Marvel Database


Wu Pong was one of the Dragon Lords, a crew member of the ill-fated Makluan starship. Which crashed in ancient China, three thousand years earlier. Over the millennia head amassed a fortune, becoming one of the wealthiest men in the world. A financier and industrialist who was based in Hong Kong. For millennia he kept his identity as a dragon a secret from the rest of the world. Upon receiving a telepathic call from Chen Hsu their captain, he transformed back into his dragon form.

In full view of his assistant Miss Ling, revealing his secret as he flew out of his office and told her to take the day off. He flew back to the Valley of the Sleeping Dragon and joined the others. Where they met the Mandarin. After which they fought against both the Mandarin and Iron Man, in their attempt to regain the ten rings and domination over the Earth. Which ended in their defeat with a nuclear explosion caused by the Iron Man supercharging the Mandarin's rings.[1]


Wu Pong had over the millennia acquired a taste for alcohol, which Chen Hsu called a vice.[2]

See Also

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