Marvel Database

Elsa Bloodstone (Earth-616) from Avengers World Vol 1 15 001
Elsa Bloodstone
Quote1 I've read my father's journals. The Dreaming Maiden is a Herald...A Harbinger...A damn beacon! She's not just dreaming, you git! Quote2
James Howlett (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe X-Men 2004 Vol 1 1 0001
Wolverine (Logan)
Quote1 Listen...maybe we should all take a breath here-- Quote2
Elsa Bloodstone (Earth-616) from Avengers World Vol 1 15 001
Elsa Bloodstone
Quote1 No. Because that creature isn't just dreaming. She's calling out to something. She's summoning something much worse. Quote2
James Howlett (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe X-Men 2004 Vol 1 1 0001
Wolverine (Logan)
Quote1 There's a lot of ways to make a situation worse. Keep talking about things you don't understand and you'll find out firsthand. Quote2

Appearing in "Covenant (Conclusion)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Wolverine-like machines created by Jefferson Chambers


  • various (1935)
  • abandoned Steamboat (now)

Synopsis for "Covenant (Conclusion)"

Shanghail, 1935, Logan reports back to the Covenant that the girl (Dreaming Maiden) was dead, although he did not actually kill her. He could see it in his eyes that the Covenant wanted him to kill others, but Logan didn't want that so he walked away.

Gray Island Swampland, Louisiana (now). Wolverine (Logan) leads the Seraph's Angels to the Dream Maiden's location. A fight ensues, between Logan and the Covenant. Still in her crystalized form, the Dreaming Maiden is decapitated, but not before Logan has a flashback, and that the Dreaming Maiden showed them enough to turn against each other, and then promised them that which they desired.

At the Jean Grey School, Logan talks to Melita, and how he forgotten, and wants to remember. Elsewhere, The Alps, Vanessa Baker talks to the (rejuvenated) Covenant and Elsa Bloodstone is seen with them. (END...)

Solicit Synopsis


• In order to save the Dreaming Maiden, Wolverine must face nightmares while asleep and while awake!

• But is the Dreaming Maiden too dangerous to be saved?

• And what will be the fate of the mysterious Covenant?


  • It is revealed that the supposed apocalypse the Dreaming Maiden is prophesied to call forth involves a destructive Celestial-like being, potentially an Aspirant.

See Also

Links and References

