Marvel Database


This impostor first appeared dressed as Spider-Man robbing a bank downtown. To everyone's dismay, it appeared that the once glorious super-hero had turned to a life of crime. Upon witnessing the criminal in action, Ben Urich reported what he saw to J. Jonah Jameson who planned to have a field day with the new information. Peter Parker, however, did not take the news so cheerily and immediately set out to find out who this impostor was. Upon hearing that he was robbing another bank, Peter swiftly went to the scene of the crime only to get shot in the shoulder and narrowly retreated away from the scene of the crime. The impostor used this opportunity to make a clean escape from the bank.[1]

Some time later, during yet another robbery of an armed truck, the impostor was caught by Captain Stacy and a few other policemen. In the pursuing chase, the impostor radically threw a backpack full of explosives toward a child nearby on the street. In a feat of sheer bravery, Captain Stacy lunged toward the kid and threw him to another police officer. However, the backpack of explosives landed right on him and ended his life.[3]

Upon hearing of this murder, Peter once again set out to find this impostor and did so the second he robbed another bank. Bursting straight into the bank, Peter beat the impostor mercilessly, asking why he would murder such an honorable man. The impostor screamed in pain and asked repeatedly for forgiveness. Finally snapping out of his rage, the real Spider-Man let go of the bloody perpetrator and webbed him up nicely for the police to find him. Quickly leaving the premises before the police arrive, the impostor hung by a clump of web before the police came inside to arrest him.[2]



Homemade Spider-Man Web Shooters




  • Never was named in the series.


  • Even though the fluid for Spider-Man's Web-Shooters is seemingly a secret formula that Peter's father had been working on for years,[4] an average criminal such as this unnamed impostor appears to have gotten his hands on some with a fair amount of ease. It is possible that they may not be as durable as the real Spider-Man's.

See Also

Links and References

