Marvel Database


Sussex Street is a commercial road in the southern part of the Waterfront neighborhood of Jersey City, New Jersey.

After an experiment whereby Bruno Carrelli used the 3D printer donated to Coles Academic High School's science lab by Stark Industries to replicate a sample of the Lightning Golems' DNA to fashion golems of Kamala Khan went horribly wrong due to it being tainted by Hydra's neurotoxin resulting in their unexpected self-replication,[1] Bruno and Mike Miller subsequently created a gigantic dinosaur golem to combat them.

As the Kamala golems and dinosaur golem rampaged through the city, the JCPD were overwhelmed, prompting Bruno and Mike to summon Loki Laufeyson as a last resort. The God of Mischief then led his Guardian Golems into battle, engaging the other golems on Sussex Street.

With the situation clearly out of hand, Ms. Marvel activated her Locator Pendant, summoning Captain Marvel to the scene. Alpha Flight targeted all non-carbon based lifeforms on Sussex Street from the A.F.S.S. and neutralized the threat with extreme prejudice.[2]

See Also

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