Marvel Database

Quote1 Ain't you heard... Nick Fury's got more lives than a cat! Quote2
Nick Fury

Appearing in "Nightmare"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • (Vision or hallucination)


Other Characters:

  • Eternal Vishanti (Mentioned)
  • Vapors of Valtor (Mentioned)
  • Twin horns of Belial (Mentioned)
  • Flames of the Faltine (Mentioned)
  • Clea (Mentioned)
  • Unspeakable Umar (Mentioned)
  • Shades of the Seraphim (Mentioned)
  • Rings of Ragadoor (Mentioned)
  • Watoomb (Mentioned)




Synopsis for "Nightmare"

Dr. Strange finds himself transported to a strange world where he has to fight gigantic and monstrous creatures in his search for Victoria Bentley. Fighting past all the creatures in his way, he finds a cave, where he is greeted by a hologram of the planets lone humanoid and master of science: Yandroth. Yandroth informs Strange that he intends to keep Victoria Bentley as his queen when he uses his scientific genius to conquer the universe. He warns Strange to turn back or suffer the consequences, undaunted Dr. Strange travels deeper into the cave in spite of Yandroth's warning.

Appearing in "When Comes.. The Black Noon!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Chracters:


Other Characters:



  • Transparent Car
  • Spectre Suit
  • Image Distorter
  • Frigi-weps
  • Voltzman's cane


  • Sky-Dragon
  • Transparent Car

Synopsis for "When Comes.. The Black Noon!"

At the instant the Claw fired The Ultimate Annihilator at Fury, Suwan teleports him thru "Hyper-Dimensional Space" to the underground lair. She then teleports him to the SHIELD barber shop, where he collapses. In his lair, The Claw tests the Ultimate Annihilator by destroying a satellite in orbit. Mad with power, he plots "the dawn of a new age...and age of vengeance...of darkness and death". SHIELD medics give Fury the once-over in a "Revive Chamber", then warn him that any further stimulation could cause blackouts, blindness or death! Telling them to keep it confidential, Fury follows a tip, using the transparent car and a "Spectre-Suit" (to make him invisible) to trail a Claw agent. During a faked traffic accident, Fury sneaks into the trunk of the agent's car, getting out at their destination and getting the drop on The Claw & Von Voltzmann. But he discovers he's onboard "The Sky Dragon", a huge airship miles above the city! Captured, Fury is tied underneath the Ultimate Annihilator, as The Claw prepares to use it to destroy New York City!


  • This issue contains a letters page, "Strange Mails". Letters are published from: Loren McGregor, John Hoecker, Chuck Turnbull, and Mike Cahlin.
  • This issue is reprinted in comics and books, see references for more info.[1]

See Also

Links and References


  1. This issue is reprinted in the following comics/TPB's: