Marvel Database


Slorgs from Creatures on the Loose Vol 1 26 0002

The Slorgs, or "Serpent-Women", were abominations of the Eastern Lemurian Desert. They were allegedly the spawn of the Dark Lords,[1] though it is unknown if it was a literal statement.

Somehow, they apparently went extinct though, ages after their supposed extinction, a large group of them was present in the Scarlet Tower of Tsargol, guarding the Star Stone for the Archdruid Yelim Pelorvis, and Drugunda Thal, sark of Tsargol. When Thongor of Valkarth came to steal the Star Stone, he killed many of those Slorgs before being incapacitated.
Sharajsha told Thongor that was what guarded the Star Stone imped of necromancy, hinting that the Slorgs of the Scarlet Tower were either created or restored through sorcery.[1]


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