Marvel Database

Appearing in "Rhino on the Rampage!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #43Rhino on the Rampage!

Featured Characters:

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  • Peter Parker's Motorcycle

Synopsis for "Rhino on the Rampage!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #43Rhino on the Rampage!

The Rhino’s tranquilizer wears off and he begins another escape from jail seeking out Spider-Man. At the Daily Bugle, Ned Leeds and Betty Brant announce their engagement, but the scene changes to Peter Parker being enamored by Mary Jane at home. A TV bulletin interrupts and announces The Rhino’s escape. Peter realizes Spider-Man must confront him and Mary Jane suggests they go downtown to watch the action.

As The Rhino stomps around looking for Spider-Man, he has a flashback of how it all began. Chosen for his muscle and low intelligence, two scientists working for professional spies applied a special rhinoceros suit that bonded with his skin. After the application, The Rhino mysteriously gained intelligence and turned on his creators, going into business on his own. As Peter and Mary Jane reach downtown, Peter slips away to become Spider-Man and confronts The Rhino. As they battle, The Rhino leads him to where innocent bystanders and police are watching. The Rhino’s charge connects with Spider-Man and leaves him woozy and he comes back to finish him. A police officer makes a last second grab for Spider-Man and saves him. The Rhino thinks that Spider-Man is dead and hunts for John Jameson.

While cashing in on his photos of the battle, Peter hears about John Jameson being moved to another hospital and thinks The Rhino may attack again. Having picked up a bit of The Rhino’s hide from the earlier fight, Spider-Man brings it to Dr. Curt Connors for analysis. Spider-Man meets The Rhino at the hospital and hits him with reformulated webbing which burns through the rhino hide and is captured. Peter heads home and learns that Flash Thompson is entering the military and that Aunt May is ill, since she hadn’t refilled her medication, due to the cost.

Appearing in "Where Crawls the Lizard!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #44Where Crawls the Lizard!

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:




  • Peter Parker's Motorcycle

Synopsis for "Where Crawls the Lizard!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #44Where Crawls the Lizard!

At the train station, Aunt May is going away while Dr. Curt Connors is meeting his wife and son. Dr. Connors reacts from The Rhino antidote he was previously working on and turns into The Lizard. Realizing this, he runs away but is spotted by his son Billy. The Lizard plots his human conquest and defeat of Spider-Man. As Aunt May leaves, Peter spots Mrs. Connors in tears and meets her as Spider-Man. Mrs. Connors explains her fear that Dr. Connors may have transformed and points Spider-Man to the tunnel. Finding nothing, he sends them to Dr. Connors lab.

Meanwhile, Peter heads to The Daily Bugle for more money and Frederick Foswell decides to shadow Peter as his alter-ego Patch to see if there’s a story. Pete meets up with Harry Osborn, Flash Thompson, and Gwen Stacy at a local café. While talking about Flash’s draft, Mary Jane Watson walks in and the boys are stunned. They’re even more surprised when Peter knows her and Gwen is jealous when they leave together.

In the meantime, the Lizard frames Spider-Man breaking into a jewelry showroom from the inside, having climbed up the building. Jameson sullies Spider-Man’s name as a criminal, but Spider-Man finds The Lizard and gets him to climb a building in front of the public, showing The Lizard can climb too. While fighting The Lizard, Spider-Man sprains his arm in a fall to a web mattress, but a friendly doctor tapes up his arm before the police arrive. Moments later, Spider-Man finds Mrs. Connors and lets her know that Dr. Connors has indeed turned into The Lizard but heads home to recuperate.

At night, Mary Jane calls and invites Peter to a dance but he declines fearing someone might piece together that he and Spider-Man both have sprained arms.

Appearing in "Victory!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Tales of Suspense #83
(originally printed as "Victory!")

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "Victory!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Tales of Suspense #83
(originally printed as "Victory!")

While battling the Titanium Man in Washington D.C., Iron Man soon finds that Pepper Potts, the girl he loves, is caught in the Titanium Man's paralyzer ray. Iron Man manages to free her with his live wire, and gets her to safety before resuming his battle with his foe.

The battle is televised on TV, so that all, including the US Senate and President, can see Iron Man fighting off this menace. Iron Man eventually defeats his enemy with device that chips away the titanium coating of Titanium Man's armor, allowing Iron Man to inflict damage upon his foe forcing him to flee. As everyone congratulates Iron Man, the Titanium Man tries to return to his masters, however the sub that was supposed to take him back home following a victory leaves him behind as his power fails and the Titanium Man falls into the ocean and is left to die.

Back in Washington, Iron Man resumes his guise of Tony Stark where he is greeted by Pepper, who shows her affection towards him, neither knowing that Happy has regained his memory and remembers that Tony Stark is really Iron Man.

See Also

Links and References

