Marvel Database
Iron Man Vol 4 3 Textless

Register now, or else...

Welcome to the Marvel Database Project.

We thank you for visiting our site! Although registration is not required to view any content on the MDP, there are a few special benefits for registered users.

We have included a short list of reasons you may want to consider registration:

  • You must register a Database Editor's account in order to edit articles and upload pictures.
  • Registered users will be able to track their contributions and see what they have accomplished.
  • The respect of your peers is a benefit of its own! Although this isn't a race, you can compare with your friends to see who has added more...
  • The MDP is able to more easily account for the number of visitors and return-visitors if more users register. This helps us keep up with the workload on our servers.
  • MDP Exclusive Benefits. We are currently working on several incentive plans for contributions to the database such giveaways or contests that only registered users can participate in.
  • User to user email is available only to registered users.

Click here to register or login now!

Please note: You may view any post on the MDP Forums without registration, but you are required to register (separate from the Database registration) in order to post.
