Marvel Database

Kaanuub was a Valusian of royal blood.[1]


Kaanuub was a Valusian of royal blood,[1] and thus a rightful heir to the throne of Valusia,

During the wedding of Princess Elise of Thule and of Rashver, son of the king of Verulia, Kaanub was dissatisfied with Kull's unusual choice of picking Brule over a member of the Valusian guard to be his champion for the tournament proclaimed by King Governi of Thule.

Later, as Iraina, Queen of Atlantis, marched over Thuria, Kaanub came to parley with Iraina while she was in Verulia, and highlighted the vulnerability of Kull's Black Legion and Red Slayers, and that without Kull, they would fall. He agreed to set up a meeting where she and Kull could "reason" together, offering her a face-to-face occasion to remove Kull.[5]


See Also

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