Marvel Database

Quote1 I'm the devil. Stealing my Soul. Quote2
Tony Stark

Appearing in "Stark Wars: Epilogue Intimate Enemies"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "Stark Wars: Epilogue Intimate Enemies"

Stalking a technological cyborg nightmare in what appears to be a high-tech hell, Iron Man must defeat his inner demons while wearing primitive armor. He fights off zombies and alcohol as he tries to find a way to beat the mysterious cyborg creature, who then grows huge and transforms into a cyborg Tony Stark! As Iron Man defeats the thing by sacrificing himself, he explodes, and Tony Stark wakes up in his bed, thinking that it was the worst nightmare he's ever had and that it caused by guilt passed onto him from the Armor Wars.


  • Plot by Windsor-Smith and Michelinie (assist), script by Michelinie.
  • This issue contains a letters page "Printed Circuits". It contains the last installment of Mark's Remarks as well as letters from Chrissy Hahn, Andrew Vangart, Joe Frank, Brad Poston, and Steve Aiken.

See Also

Links and References

Armor Wars I
Part I: Iron Man #225 Part II: Iron Man #226 Part III: Iron Man #227 Part IV: Iron Man #228
Part V: Iron Man #229 Part VI: Iron Man #230 Part VII: Iron Man #231 Part VIII: Iron Man #232

