Marvel Database


An independent truck driver, Hank Steel already had a reputation for toughness when he refused to join the Progressive Trucking Co., run by former bootlegger Vince Garone. He guessed correctly that a series of accidents that had fallen other trucking companies had been sabotage, which was confirmed when two of Garone's men confronted him on a stretch of highway armed with machine guns. The Vision suddenly appeared, dealing with one of the criminals while Steel easily beat the other in a brief fight. The henchmen are soon taken to the police, where they are quick to confess everything and implicate Garone. Steel then led a small army of his fellow independent truckers to Garone's main garage, where a massive fight breaks out between them and Garone's men. The police soon arrived to quell the riot, and Steel and his allies let them take the beaten criminals away, having already finished their hold on the trucking industry. Garone, meanwhile, had fled in fear of being lynched, only to be manipulated by the Vision into having a fatal car crash of his own.



Hank Steel was a skilled driver and was good with his fists in a fight.

See Also

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