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Quote1 I will take him with me, Mr. Grimm. Given time -- and luck -- I believe I can help him cure the madness and teach him to cope with his power. Yes... given time... Quote2
Professor X

Appearing in "Madrox the Multiple Man"

Featured Characters:

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Other Characters:




  • Xavier's helicopter

Synopsis for "Madrox the Multiple Man"

While taking the subway to a football game with Alicia, the Thing's plans are ruined when Ben has to deal with somebody in a strange costume standing on the tracks. Surprisingly when Ben strikes this man, he turns into two more, and multiplies with each blow. Ben is eventually overpowered and knocked out in a battle. The rest of the FF arrive and revive Ben, but the "Multiple Man" is nowhere to be seen.

The Multiple Man turns out to be Jamie Madrox, a mutant who had the power to create duplicates of himself. However, he had no control over these abilities and so his parents built a suit that would contain and allow him to control his powers. However, his parents died six years ago and after living that time in solitude, Madrox has found that his suit has begun to malfunction and this is what has brought him to New York City.

The FF track down Madrox and battle him, however his duplicates prove to be too powerful for them to deal with. It's not until the intervention of Charles Xavier (A colleague of Jamie's father) arrives to lend a hand. Xavier explains to Reed Richards of the situation, and while the FF Battle Madrox and his doubles again, Charles uses his mental powers to stun them all. Reed then uses his stretching powers to get close enough to the real Jamie Madrox and correct the problem with his containment suit. The process leaves Madrox unconscious, Charles then tells the FF that he will take Jamie into his care and cure him of his madness.

Appearing in "We Have to Fight the X-Men!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Fantastic Four #28We Have to Fight the X-Men!

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "We Have to Fight the X-Men!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Fantastic Four #28We Have to Fight the X-Men!

The Thing is moving Alicia Masters' latest sculpture, which just so happens to depict the rock bound hero who holds it, as Reed and Sue are reading the latest newspaper reports about the mysterious mutant heroes known as the X-Men.[Continuity 1] When telling the others about it, the Torch recalls how he recently fought alongside Iceman.[Continuity 2] After finishing his task, Ben upsets Alicia by bringing up her step-father, the Puppet Master.

Incidentally, the Puppet Master has agreed to meet with another foe of Fantastic Four, the Mad Thinker, who has developed a plan to destroy their mutual foes. The Thinker has determined that the X-Men's telepathic leader could be used to manipulate the X-Men into attacking the FF.[Continuity 3] Having tabulated circumstantial evidence to make a passing composition of this mysterious leader, the Puppet Master is able to mold a new puppet out of his clay. Despite the fact that it is lacking any facial features, it enthralls the X-Men's leader Professor X, at the X-Men's school. Under the Puppet Master's control, Charles Xavier summons the X-Men and orders them to destroy the Fantastic Four.

Even though they are confused by these orders, the X-Men comply and fly their helicopter to the Baxter Building. Initially, they act friendly to the Fantastic Four, who invite the young mutants into their home. Reed is showing his latest work when the X-Men's field leader Cyclops launches the attack with his optic blasts. With Cyclops and Beast battling Mister Fantastic and the Human Torch, Marvel Girl uses her telekinetic powers against the Thing, and Angel and Iceman attack the Invisible Girl. When the male members of the Fantastic Four begin gaining the upper hand, Mr. Fantastic orders them to pretend to surrender. The X-Men flee the scene with Sue as their prisoner. Reed and the others follow the X-Men with the Pogo Plane to the Mad Thinker's hideout, where the X-Men are commanded by Xavier to continue their battle against the Fantastic Four.

The Mad Thinker launches various weapons to subdue the Fantastic Four. The Puppet Master and Thinker reveal themselves, and Professor X is ordered to make the X-Men unconscious. However, the Beast resists Xavier's mental command and breaks the puppet which binds their leader. The Mad Thinker orders his Awesome Android to his aid, and battle against the X-Men ensues. Meanwhile, Fantastic Four break free from the Thinker's traps and come to help the mutants. However, it's Professor X who defeats the Android by "applying mental pressure to a certain section of the Android's artificial nervous system." During the confusion, the Thinker and Puppet Master escape, leaving the Awesome Android behind. With the threat now over, Professor X orders the X-Men to return home, leaving the Fantastic Four to wonder if they will ever meet the mutant group again.

Appearing in "Gallery of FF's Most Famous Foes"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Fantastic Four Annual #1
(originally printed as Sub-Mariner Versus the Human Race!)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:




Synopsis for "Gallery of FF's Most Famous Foes"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Fantastic Four Annual #1
(originally printed as Sub-Mariner Versus the Human Race!)

Namor has finally found the lost people[Continuity1 1] of Atlantis[Continuity1 2] and is reunited with his lover Lady Dorma, much to the displeasure of Warlord Krang.[Continuity1 3] While on the surface world, the Thing and Human Torch are on another childish rampage through the Baxter Building; once the spat is sorted out it's suggested that perhaps a vacation is in order.

Wanting to check out reports of giant sea creatures, Reed suggests a cruise. When gigantic aquatic specimens show themselves, the FF are captured by Namor when they go to investigate. Namor demands that the FF deliver a message to the United Nations that the seas and the air above belong to the nation of Atlantis.[Continuity1 4] Seeking an audience at the United Nations, after hearing the origins of Homo Mermani and the origins of Namor from Professor G.W. Falton, Reed informs the Nations that Namor is a menace.[Continuity1 5]

Falton reveals himself to be Namor in disguise and declares war on the surface world. Sending an army to attack New York City, the FF's first attempt at fighting back the invading Atlanteans fails. However, Reed builds a device which causes the water in the warriors' helmets to evaporate forcing a retreat. Attacking the FF directly, Namor kidnaps Sue and takes her aboard his ship. While the FF is fighting Namor for Sue's freedom, Warlord Krang and Lady Dorma attempt to drown Sue, prompting Namor to rescue her.[Continuity1 6] Needing immediate medical attention, Namor swims Sue to shore and brings her to a hospital.

The FF meeting up with him there, Namor calls off his attack against the surface world for the time being and returns to the ocean depths. However, Atlantis is deserted as Krang has convinced the Atlanteans that their sovereign is a traitor for saving the surface woman. Namor is alone again.[Continuity1 7]


Continuity Notes

Madrox the Multiple Man!

  • Ben and Alicia are going to a New York Jets football game, and the Thing makes a reference to wanting to see Joe Namath play. Namath was a member of the Jets from 1965-1976 before being traded to the L.A. Rams in 1977. He retired from the National Football League after that season. This should be considered a topical reference per the Sliding Timescale of Earth-616. As Namath was still playing for the Jets at the time this story was originally published.
  • Some facts about Charles Xavier in this story: Here the members of the Fantastic Four appear to be oblivious to the fact that Xavier is a mutant with telepathic powers. At the time Xavier's mutant powers were a secret to the world in general, but this contradicts later tales that reveal that the Fantastic Four were aware that Xavier was a mutant and leader of the X-Men. The earliest chronological proof of this was in a story depicted in X-Men First Class (Vol. 2) #1, which took place shortly after the wedding of Reed and Sue in Fantastic Four Annual #3.

Chronology Notes

Events occurring behind the scenes in this story affect the chronology of the following characters:

Multiple Man:

Daniel Madrox:

Joan Madrox:

See Also

Links and References


[[Category:Fantastic Four Annual 1/Reprints]]

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