Marvel Database

Appearing in "Savage (Part 4)"

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Synopsis for "Savage (Part 4)"

Using the life blood of a Man-Thing that was native to the Savage Land, the Neanderthal tribe resurrects Shanna the She-Devil. This leaves Shanna the She-Devil connected to the very life force of the Savage Land, and also gives her supernatural power. Amadeus Cho told Shanna the She-Devil what the Neanderthal natives had explained to him. The machine powering the damping field was also powering a prison, one holding an ancient hostile alien presence. Realizing that Wolverine would be releasing this creature, Shanna the She-Devil raced to stop him. She arrived in time with Amadeus Cho right behind her and was able to stop Wolverine. Suddenly, Hulk appeared before them.

Solicit Synopsis

Enter: MAN-THING! The Savage Land holds many secrets, among them what could be the key to resurrection... but at what cost?

See Also

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