Marvel Database

Quote1 Something else Ben used to say..."With great powers comes great responsibility." I learned the truth of that one the hard way...right here. An accident at the science hall gave me my powers--but in that old warehouse, I truly learned what it means to be Spider-Man. And now it's gone. But Jonah was right, it won't be forgotten. I can never forget. This site will always be a reminder of my great responsibilites. I'm trying, Uncle Ben...and I'll always keep trying. That's my promise. Quote2
Peter Parker

Appearing in "Old Haunts"

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Synopsis for "Old Haunts"

Norah Winters asks Peter to take some photos for her in the area where the warehouse where he arrested Uncle Ben's killer is located. There the two are turned away by a guardian who Peter recognizes as one who worked for the Brand Corporation, a company that carried out many illegal activities. Peter drags Norah away, who gets very angry, but calms down when Robbie tells her about the killer's arrest. Peter returns to the warehouse as Spider-Man and discovers that workers are being illegally dug under the warehouse in an area that will soon be flooded. Spider-Man saves the workers, but meanwhile the warehouse explodes due to a scuffle that destroys a control system. Fortunately, there are no casualties and Peter saves the workers again. The next day Norah apologizes to him.

Solicit Synopsis

Celebrating 50 Years of the Great Responsibility of his Great powers, The Spider-Man 50th Anniversary Series collects the Webbed Wonder’s greatest heretofore secret history! Spanning from his earliest days as a hero to the heyday of the heralded Big Time era and everything in between, a collection of Marvel Legends, venerated comic creators and awe-inspiring artists shine the spotlight on everything that makes Spider-Man the World’s Greatest Superhero!



  • It seems that the numbering of this issue combines both the 98 issues of Spider-Man and 57 issues of Peter Parker: Spider-Man, which means that this issue should perhaps have been numbered 155.1.
    • On the other hand, it's possible it simply includes the #-1 issue from Spider-Man.

See Also

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