Marvel Database


Myrra was one of those who rebelled against Umar. She was also a member of the council who advised their leader, Clea.

Myrra was part of a rebel council meeting at which it was agreed that the rebellion was at an impasse and needed more information on Umar's troop movements before they could plan effectively. When Clea stated that she would try again to probe the mind of their prisoner, Myrra pointed out that she hadn't had much luck in cracking Captain Orini's psychic shields and suggested that maybe she should let someone else try. Synth and Doctor Strange both agreed.

Later, after Strange and Rahl revealed to Clea and the council that Umar was Clea's mother, Burhn immediately protested that it could not be that their leader was the daughter of the tyrant. Myrra called him a fool and pointed out that this revelation could be a rallying point for the rebellion since their commander's heritage was linked not only to Olnar the First but to the present usurper as well. This led to another council member suggesting that the people could be swayed to accepting Clea as regent, something that Clea immediately rejected, stating that she had agreed to lead the rebellion but not to rule the dimension.[1]

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