Marvel Database


The young mutant known as Dummy became a student of the Xavier Institute before his powers manifested. When they did, he became a sentient gas, and was contained in a latex suit that granted him a humanoid appearance and functionality. He later took part in Xorn's Special Class, along with other students such as Basilisk, Angel Salvadore, and Beak.[2]

Dean Boswell (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 1 136 0001

Damaged by the U-Men

When Xorn took his students on an overnight camping trip in the woods nearby the Xavier Institute, they were attacked by the U-Men, a group of humans who harvested mutant body parts and grafted them onto themselves. Dummy was struck by one of the U-Men's scalpel projectiles, and started to leak away. He was saved by Beak, who covered the hole in his suit with a condom. Xorn took care of the majority of the U-Men well away from the Special Class. One soldier on his own threatened the group, but the mutant Basilisk stunned him with his powers.[2]

Dean Boswell (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 1 137 0001

The death of Dummy

The following day, fellow student Quentin Quire started a riot over perceived mistreatment. His group took over the main building while most of the visitors, staff, and students were outside. An explosion sent a piece of shrapnel right through Dummy's suit, scattering his gas form. His final fate was uncertain, though Basilisk claimed to later smell him at the Institute's prize-giving ceremony. Given Basilisk's unusual personality, it was probably just a fart joke.[3]


Power Grid[4]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/None:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Normal


Gaseous Form: Exists in a gaseous form.



Contains himself in a specially-designed suit.

See Also

Links and References

