Marvel Database

Quote1 Waste of time, waste of energy, waste of breath. You and Logan, you're like twins. Quintessential male boss. Won't quit till you win. Might as well argue with a rock! Quote2
Esme Cuckoo

Appearing in "Dead X-Men"

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Synopsis for "Dead X-Men"

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Solicit Synopsis

X-Men greats Chris Claremont and Louise Simonson join artist extraordinaire Doug Braithwaite in a special 2-issue CHAOS WAR tie-in. As the Marvel Universe is destroyed pantheon by pantheon by the dark god, Chaos King, the rift between the underworld and Earth is violently ripped apart. How can a handful of deceased X-Men make a difference in Chaos King's war against life? Get ready for the startling answer when the most unique team of mutants ever bands together to save the Earth from eternal darkness.


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