Marvel Database

Quote1 We are Gods, Web-Slinger. Quote2

Appearing in "Amazing Grace – Part Three: Dangers, Toils and Snares"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Elder (Unnamed) (Main story and flashback)
  • Other unidentified Cubanos (Main story and flashback)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Amazing Grace – Part Three: Dangers, Toils and Snares"

Peter doesn't believe what his Uncle Ben is looking at, but he knows who he is and tells him that he forgives him for what happened and the two talk before Peter is attacked by some strange individuals who then dissolve. Meanwhile in New York the Santerians kidnap Julio with a trick to talk to him, but he has no explanation for what happened to him. The Santerians accept what happened to Julio as a miracle, but Peter looks for a rational explanation and talks about it with Henry McCoy. The two discuss theology, while he analyzes Julio's DNA and discovers that he is no longer human. Meanwhile, Julio kills his father.

Solicit Synopsis

• The plot thickens as Spidey’s investigation into a newly resurrected Harlem man takes him into terrifying territory!

• The Santerians are Spider-Man’s guides and the journey will take them far from Harlem before the mystery is solved!

See Also

Links and References

