Marvel Database

Appearing in "Where Worlds Collide!"

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Synopsis for "Where Worlds Collide!"

When Jennifer Kale's grandfather and his cult prepare to defend the Earth with the help of the Tome of Zhared-Na, and the Man-Thing, they discover the book is missing, leading the other cult members to believe that the elder Kale stole the book. Nobody is wise to the fact that Jennifer, in her previous encounter with the Man-Thing was forced to burn the book. When she relates to the story to her ex-boyfriend Jaxon, he scoffs at the story and decides to explore the swamp, in spite of her best warnings. Jaxon is then possessed by a demon that appears in the swamp.

Jaxon is then sent to capture the Kale family, and succeeds in doing so, however the Man-Thing follows Jaxon and the Kale's in to Thog's realm. There Man-Thing is changed back into Ted Sallis and tempted with various pleasures. Ted refuses and is reverted back into the Man-Thing. The creature then seemingly slays Thog, and Jaxon, and frees the Kale's before returning to the swamp where it lives.

Appearing in ""Mister Black""

Reprint of the 1st story from
Strange Tales #93
(originally printed as When the Thing Runs Amok)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Clara Burke

Other Characters:

Races and Species:


Synopsis for ""Mister Black""

Reprint of the 1st story from
Strange Tales #93
(originally printed as When the Thing Runs Amok)

An inventor builds a powerful indestructible robot to help mankind but people react with fear and so the robot worries that harm may come to his creator and pretends to go on a rampage, takes over a missile to fly out over sea, and drops to the bottom of the ocean when the self-destruct is activated. The robot leaves a letter to the inventor explaining all of this and says he will return one day when humanity has learned trust. The inventor worries that sea water may rust the robot's components and turn him evil.

Strange Tales Vol 1 93 001

Solicit Synopsis

The Man-Thing shambles again!


  • Sequence 2 Mister Black plot by Lee, script by Lieber.

See Also

Recommended Reading

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