Marvel Database

Appearing in "Paradise Lost"

Reprint of the 1st story from
X-Treme X-Men #6

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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Synopsis for "Paradise Lost"

Reprint of the 1st story from
X-Treme X-Men #6

While Sage monitors their activities, the X-Treme team continues their investigation into the death of Miles Warbeck, otherwise known as Viceroy. Bishop delves into the nature of his killing, Rogue tries to clear the prime suspect, and Storm and Thunderbird protect the children of the deceased. Bishop hits a dead end when autopsy reports reveal nothing about the real killer. When he learns about the shooting death of another mob boss, Bishops heads toward the scene of the new crime.

Rogue and Gambit are captured and tortured by the Examiner while Red Lotus watches. Despite their pleas of innocence, the Examiner believes they were responsible for the death of even another crime boss, one of the Examiner’s associates. Rogue and Gambit manage to free themselves, but the Examiner escapes punishment.

Red Lotus starts to believe that they had nothing to do with any murders, but he still treats the X-Men harshly, forcing Rogue to knock him out. Rogue and Gambit leave to inform their teammates about their adventure, taking the unconscious Red Lotus with them. Storm and Thunderbird locate Viceroy’s children, the Cameron siblings, but evil forces are close behind.

Criminal gangs seek to destroy the Camerons and eliminate any heirs to Viceroy’s empire. Sage becomes a target as well when her old allies from the Hellfire Club reenter her life with a vengeance.

Appearing in "The Man from Room X"

Reprint of the 1st story from
New X-Men 2001 #1

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Unnamed female Chinese insectoid mutant (First appearance; dies)
  • Unnamed female Chinese laser-handed mutant (First appearance; dies)
  • Other unnamed Chinese mutants (Only appearance; dies or corpses)

Races and Species:




Synopsis for "The Man from Room X"

Reprint of the 1st story from
New X-Men 2001 #1

A Chinese army officer, Ao Jun, is concluding the secret sale of a powerful captive mutant, Kuan-Yin Xorn, with a certain Sublime. To prevent that sale, Domino, of Asia X-Corporation, is welcoming the X-Men at Hong Kong. Sublime is promoting there his U-Men, humans with grafted mutant organs.

During a following evening, Ao Jun is arriving at a reception, organized by Sublime, to exchange the payment with the keys of Xorn's handcuffs. Domino and Wolverine are stealing them from the Eyes of Ao Jun.

Meanwhile, Cyclops, Emma Frost and Beast are investigating the murder of Risque, another member of Asia X-Corporation. Around the place of the crime, they're discovering a clandestine operating room where of U-Men remove mutant organs.

The next day, some U-Men - without Sublime - are going to Feng Tu, where Xorn is prisoner. When they're trying to unhandcuff him, they're realizing the X-Men have stolen the keys. As Ao Jun knew it, the U-Men are killing him.

At this moment, the X-Men are attacking the prison and the U-Men are surrendering. However, Xorn is on his way to commit suicide - what would destruct all China. Cyclops is persuading him rather to join the X-Men.


This is a UK title that features reprints of American X-Men titles.

See Also

Links and References

