Marvel Database

Appearing in "Hubris, Chapter 2"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Interpol
    • Christopher Olson
    • Jean Valence
  • Megaera
  • Tedre
  • Ione Katamides


  • Terry James (First appearance)
  • Andrew Miller (First appearance)
  • Richard Burkiss (First appearance)
  • Ramon Carrejo (First appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Athens Police
  • Arbitration Games (Mentioned)
  • L.A.P.D. (Mentioned)
  • Lupe


Synopsis for "Hubris, Chapter 2"

As Chris told Valence that Elektra locked him inside of an apartment earlier, on her island, Katamides tasked her with bringing Terry James of Arbitration Games, Andrew Miller of the L.A.P.D., Richard Burkiss of New York City, and Ramon Carrejo of Chicago to her. After Elektra returned to Athens from the island, Interpol agents surrounded and attempted to arrest her, although she defeated them.

Later, Elektra confronted and drugged Miller in Los Angeles, while Chris argued with Valence before encountering a woman sent by her with a deal. Next, Elektra went to Chicago and knocked Carrejo unconscious, while Katamides' women planned to carry a crate with two men's bodies to the island. After Terry James' presentation at the Houston Convention Center, Elektra knocked him unconscious before doing the same to Richard Burkiss in Manhattan. After Elektra finished bringing all four men to Katamides' island, the employer offered the assassin four million dollars more if she helped her kill the men, using the "old ways."

See Also

Links and References

