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Appearing in "Stoker's Dracula Chapter 1: Dracula"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Stoker's Dracula Chapter 1: Dracula"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "A Duel of Demons"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "A Duel of Demons"

1785: In France that summer Count Dracula has come to visit from his native Transylvania. Dracula has his carriage stop for the evening so that Dracula can find lodging to rest. As he signs up for a room at an Inn, he is completely unaware that two men have been hired to kill him. That night the two assassins break into Dracula's room and attempt to kill him. However, they are unaware that Dracula is a vampire and he easily kills them and drinks their blood. Before they perish, they tell Dracula who had hired them, a man named Cagliostro. Dracula then goes downstairs and tells his driver that they will leave right away so that they can reach Paris by dawn.

News of Dracula's survival reach Cagliostro and his wife Lorenza Serafina, the news is hardly good and it sends Cagliostro into a fury as he wishes to see Dracula dead. The following evening, both Dracula and Cagliostro are present before King Louis the Sixteenth and his wife Marie Antoinette. Dracula presents to them jewels from Transylvania and asks them to help his country which is presently in turmoil and also to have a place at his court as an adviser. The king is flattered and accepts the request and introduced Dracula to Cagliostro. This pleases Dracula as he will soon pit his might against the man who hired thugs to kill him to see who is the more suprioer.

Later that night Dracula goes out to find a fresh victim and the girls dying screams are heard by his aid Karlos who is preparing Dracula's coffin for the night. However, Karlos does not finish his work as Cagliostro uses his magic to strike the aid dead. When Dracula returns to his chambers and finds the corpse of his hired man, Dracula knows exactly who is responsible and decides to confront Cagliostro in person.

Cagliostro attempts to us his magics to try to keep Dracula at bay, however the vampire lord manages to fight off the enchantments and get into a hand-to-hand scuffle with the magician. Cagliostro asks for his wife's aid, and she attempts to smash a vase over Dracula's head. However, she misses and strikes Cagliostro instead knocking her husband out. Dracula thanks her for her error and then hypnotizes her and feeds upon her before leaving.

The next night, Dracula returns to the court of King Louie to find Cagliostro and his wife present. Cagliostro and Dracula trade barbs, Dracula accusing Caglipstro for provoking Dracula's action. When Caliostro complains to Dracula about how he had almost killed his wife and that it was his superior medical and mystical skills that revived her, Dracula laughs and explains to him that she has been turned into a vampire. As Dracula walks away Lorenza opens her mouth to reveal that she has fangs, much to Cagliostro's horror.

Appearing in "When A Vampire Dies"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Marvel Tales #128
(originally printed as Emily)

Featured Characters:

  • Emily

Supporting Characters:

  • Unnamed Alien


  • Emily's "Friends"
    • Doris
    • Rose
    • Joe
    • Numerous unnamed party-goers

Other Characters:

  • Unidentified Police Department
    • Unnamed Police Officer

Races and Species:



  • Emily's Ring


  • Alien Spaceships

Synopsis for "When A Vampire Dies"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Marvel Tales #128
(originally printed as Emily)

An alien marries a homely Earth girl who is treated cruelly by those around her and gives her a ring that will protect her when the rest of his invasion force lands.

Appearing in "Night Flight To Terror"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Night Flight To Terror"

Taking a flight back to Europe from L.A., Dracula finds himself caught in the middle of a hostage situation when a deranged passenger has taken one of the stewardesses hostage and threatens to destroy the plane with a bomb. Air traffic control has no choice to bow to the terrorists demands and allow the plane to take off for his intended destination: New York -- where he intends to fly the plane until the fuel runs out and detonate his bomb and destroy them all in a blazing glory.

Knowing that a flight to New York would put himself at risk of facing the sun, Dracula leaves his seat and attempts to stop the terrorist. The lord of vampires uses his hypnotic gaze to try and lull the hijacker, however this has no effect and Dracula is forced to physically deal with his captor. In the scuffle the bomb drops and it goes off, the resulting explosion makes the plane crash.

Rescue crews arrive on the scene quickly and take Dracula and the other survivors to a nearby hospital. When they attempt to operate on Dracula, the vampire lord awakens and fights off his attackers. Insulted that they would feed him blood with an IV drip, Dracula feeds upon one of the nurses and flees the hospital. On his way out he comes across the man who hijacked the plane who is about to be treated by the doctors as well. Recognizing the madman, Dracula decides to get his revenge by giving the man exactly what he wanted: a spectacular death.

Taking him away to the nearby mountains, Dracula would feed upon him and return him to the hospital three days later after the man has transformed into a vampire. Being taken out into the sun for the first time since the experience, the unknown terrorist suddenly bursts into flames and disintegrates into a skeleton upon contact with the sunlight, much to the horror of the hospital staff.

Appearing in "The Boyhood of Dracula"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Boyhood of Dracula"

A one page analysis of what caused Dracula to become the cruel and sadistic man that he is today. It alludes to the time when a young Dracula was captured by the Turks and imprisoned. It suggests that the constant torture and confinement would snap his mind and cause him to become the twisted and sadistic person he is today.

See Also

Links and References

