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Quote1 She asked me who I was, Daniel... and I didn't know what to answer. Quote2
Doctor Voodoo

Appearing in "The Origin of Jericho Drumm"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Robbers

Other Characters:

  • Woman and her children



Synopsis for "The Origin of Jericho Drumm"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Brother Voodoo!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Strange Tales #169Brother Voodoo!

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Brother Voodoo!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Strange Tales #169Brother Voodoo!

A pathologist from the United Nations named Doctor Maitland arrives at the airport in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. A man named Willoby is there and greets him and explains that he'll escort him. He goes on to tell the doctor that his customs check has already been cleared and it was done so to try and keep him a secret due to a hostile faction that would be against the aide of the United Nations. Suddenly, numerous Haitian gunmen accost them and hold them at gunpoint. A cloud of smoke rolls in, and from it steps – Brother Voodoo. Voodoo dives into the men, driving them to the ground, but one manages to get away in a rental car. While fleeing, he attempts to run Brother Voodoo down, but Voodoo dives out of the way and the car crashes into the side of a building killing the would be assailant.

Suddenly, a ghostly figure rises from Brother Voodoo's body. The apparition takes possession of one of the other gunmen and forces him to turn against his allies. When the threat alleviates, the spirit leaves the gunman’s body and returns to Brother Voodoo. Brother Voodoo takes a moment to reflect on the course of events that set him down his chosen path.


Some time ago, Brother Voodoo was merely Jericho Drumm, a prominent psychologist practicing in the United States. When he received word that his brother, Daniel, had fallen deathly ill, he immediately returned home to visit him. Daniel told Jericho that an evil man claiming to be Damballah the Serpent God arrived in Port-au-Prince to educate the locals in the ways of black magic. Daniel had been the previous Brother Voodoo, and sought to stop Damballah, but Damballah cursed him with a wasting disease. Daniel told Jericho to seek out an old Houngan named Papa Jambo. He was the only one with the power to end Damballah's influence. At the stroke of midnight, Daniel died, and Jericho knew that Damballah was responsible.
Racing outside of the house, Jericho tackled Damballah, but the purported Serpent God beat him to within an inch of his life. Damballah spared Jericho, citing that he was not even worth killing.
Fulfilling his brother's wishes, Jericho wrapped Daniel's body and brought him deep into the jungle to the hut of Papa Jambo. He explained the situation to the old man, and Papa Jambo told him that while he would not help Jericho himself he would teach him the ways of Voodoo so that he could become the next Brother Voodoo.

Appearing in "Baptism of Fire"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Strange Tales #170Baptism of Fire

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Council of Vaudou
    • Damballah (Main story and recap)
    • Fong Lee (First appearance; dies)
    • Mama Legba (First appearance)
    • Numerous unnamed others

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Baptism of Fire"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Strange Tales #170Baptism of Fire

Continued from last issue... Finished his training, Jericho Drumm needs to pass one final test in order to take over the role of Brother Voodoo, a title held until then by his murdered brother Daniel. The final cerimony ends with Daniel's soul merged with Jericho's, as well as the mark of voodoo appearing on Jericho's forehead and a white streak appearing in his hair. With his purpose in life over, Papa Jambo passes away telling Jericho that he is now worthy of the title Brother Voodoo.

Jericho then goes after Damballah, who was responsible for murdering his brother. Damballah meanwhile has gathered the Council of the Vadaou, a group of international Voodoo practitioners to take control of the organization. However, Brother Voodoo arrives and challenges Damballah to a rematch.

During their fight, Brother Voodoo realizes that Damballah has control over snakes due to a mystical amulet that he has in his possession. Sending the soul of his brother Daniel into one of the Council members, he manages to remove the amulet from Damballah's grasp. With his control over the snakes gone, they turn on him, and he is killed. With the amulet in his possession, he's confronted by a man named Bambu who tells him that he is the faithful servant of whoever owns the amulet. Accepting the man as an aid, Brother Voodoo departs, telling his new servant that they have much work to do.

Appearing in "End of a Legend!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Zombie #6
(originally printed as Child of Darkness)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • voodoo cultists


Synopsis for "End of a Legend!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Zombie #6
(originally printed as Child of Darkness)

Years ago Eric and Joan Masterson were married and lived a life of marital bliss, until that is they gave birth to their freakishly deformed son Teddy, and became a group of recluses living in deep in the wilderness of New Orleans, where Teddy has been locked up.

Years later, the Zombie is wandering these same woods, where he stumbles upon another voodoo ceremony, and recognizes Mambo Layla, the woman who tried to save his life the night that Simon Garth was transformed into the Zombie. Furious at these men, the Zombie attacks and kills them, getting lit on fire in the process. When the Zombie tries to turn his rage on Layla, she convinces him that she loved him and tried to help him, and commands the Zombie to put out its burning body in the nearby flames, the Zombie complies but is even more horribly scarred as a result.

Deciding to try and help Simon return to his normal state, he begins leading the Zombie through the swamps, and eventually happens upon a house. Knocking upon the door, she is greeted by the now deranged Eric Masterson, who grabs her and pulls her in, telling her that he will not allow her to leave until she meets his son Teddy. When Joan Masterson refuses to be party to what will probably end in Layla's death at the hands of the feral Teddy, she runs out of the house and into the Zombie.

Her screams bring Eric coming with an axe, and he tries to attack the Zombie with it, but finds his weapon ineffectual on him. Running to the back of the house, he lets Teddy loose, who attacks the Zombie. However, when it appears that Teddy will fare no better against the Zombie, Eric tries to convince his wife to seek shelter inside Teddy's holding pen. Joan refuses to go in the room, fearing that Layla is dead inside. However, when Eric goes inside, he finds Layla alive and well and tries to attack her, she is forced to defend herself, killing Eric with his own axe.

Exiting the shack, Layla tells all gathered that she had no choice, and the fighting stop. As Teddy and Joan mourn the loss of Eric, Layla leads the Zombie back out into the swamps hoping to find a way to cure him.

Solicit Synopsis

You’ve witnessed his incredible reemergence in the pages of New Avengers, now take a trip through the voodoo virtuoso’s career in this special presentation of STRANGE TALES #169-170. In the shadowed back alleys of New Orleans, they speak his name in awe, for ‘tis said he was old when the mountains were young, that he cannot be harmed, that he can never DIE! His name is DOCTOR VOODOO! Experience the birth of Marvel’s new Sorcerer Supreme like never before, fully remastered with modern coloring. Plus, an all-new framing sequence by Roy Thomas and Alex Massacci.

See Also

Links and References

