Marvel Database

DeadpoolQuote1 No way! You know how much I could get for a real Iron Man breast plate on eBay? Let's just use the time to come up with more jokes about Osborn's hair, okay? Quote2
Wade Wilson (Earth-616) from Deadpool Team-Up Vol 2 891 0001
Deadpool's inner voice
Quote1 It looks like it was grown in a Petri dish. Quote2
DeadpoolQuote1 Haw! Nice one! His hairline isn't receding-- it's running away from his face! Quote2
New Avengers Vol 2 18 Textless
Norman Osborn
Quote1 Who the hell is he talking to..? Quote2
DeadpoolQuote1 That boy's got a doo-doo head! Quote2

Appearing in "Magnum Opus Part 1: All Your Base Are Belong To Us"

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Synopsis for "Magnum Opus Part 1: All Your Base Are Belong To Us"

Our boy Deadpool is determined to make Osborn pay him the money that is owed to him. He breaks into Avengers Tower, and tries to fight his way towards Osborn, only he's not there. But standing in his way are the (newer) Thunderbolts team.


Legacy Numbering[]

See Also

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