Marvel Database


A doctor specialising in blood diseases, he was the first boyfriend of the Sensational She-Hulk and her next door neighbour during childhood[1].

He and his wife attended Christmas Dinner with the Walters when the Jennifer Walters briefly returned to human form[2].

He was later called on to treat her when War Zone’s toxins began to eliminate her power[1].

After the Sensational She-Hulk’s death, he revived her, as her gamma radiation preserved her mind and body. He restored it and used electric shocks to restart her heart[3]. Still having feelings for her, he kisses her, which is overseen by his wife, who thinks he is being seduced by the Sensational She-Hulk.

After Sensational She-Hulk goes savage, he diagnoses it as a side effect of her revival. He kisses her again, and she storms off, telling him she is married[4].

When he sees the Sensational She-Hulk attacked by War Zone live on air, he goes to her aid with a neutralising suit, and destroys War Zone before it can self-destruct[5].

When the Sensational She-Hulk goes savage again, she tries to kill him, but the Incredible Hulk stops her. She still throws him from the building, but is caught by the Hulk. As the fight between the Sensational She-Hulk and the Incredible Hulk spreads across town, he follows in a helicopter, and later restores Jennifer Walters’ powers by giving a new blood transfusion from the Incredible Hulk, and agrees to marriage counselling with Christine[6].



Neutralising Suit

See Also

Links and References

