Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Eyes"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Adventures into Weird Worlds #2
(originally printed as The Iron Door)

Featured Characters:

  • People of Earth

Supporting Characters:

  • Karra


  • Vashto

Races and Species:



  • "The Mechanical Brain" (Book)

Synopsis for "The Eyes"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Adventures into Weird Worlds #2
(originally printed as The Iron Door)

In the future humankind relies heavily on machines, when it all begins to fail they put their faith in a man called Vashto. Vashto braves through the "Iron Door" and confronts what the people of Earth think the problem is which is a saboteur. Vashto shoots said saboteur and leaves him for dead as he flees. The people of earth enter the door and learn the man that was shot was Karra the one who built the machines and had been running them. He explains in his dying breath that Vashto was from Saturn and it was they who stalled his work. As he die Karra thinks to himself that it was his fault for allowing people to rely so much on machines and that perhaps it's better they die out this way.

Appearing in "The Witch of Landoor"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny Tales #7
(originally printed as Kill, Clown, Kill!)
  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Witch of Landoor"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny Tales #7
(originally printed as Kill, Clown, Kill!)

A clown kills his clown rival so he can have his fame and his girlfriend. He tries to find a plastic surgeon to alter his looks so he will appear as the dead man, but fails. The police track him back to circus where he is shot resisting arrest. He dies at the foot of the woman he professes his love to as he realizes she is blind.

Appearing in "Rodeo!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Menace #3
(originally printed as "Men in Black!")

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Hooded Bigots
    • Rocky
    • Pete

Other Characters:

  • Gonzales
  • Luigi
  • Reilly
  • Pat (Police officer)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Rodeo!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Menace #3
(originally printed as "Men in Black!")

After losing his job, Jim Horton organizes a gang that wears black hoods to beat and rob anyone he considers "foreign," but his bigotry leads to his death.

Appearing in "I Was Locked in a... Haunted House"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny Tales #7
(originally printed as Kill, Clown, Kill!)
  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "I Was Locked in a... Haunted House"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny Tales #7
(originally printed as Kill, Clown, Kill!)

A clown kills his clown rival so he can have his fame and his girlfriend. He tries to find a plastic surgeon to alter his looks so he will appear as the dead man, but fails. The police track him back to circus where he is shot resisting arrest. He dies at the foot of the woman he professes his love to as he realizes she is blind.

See Also

Links and References

