Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Yuriko Watanabe (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Jean and I were close. When we lost her, it was people outside the system--Daredevil and Spider-Man--Who brought down the Sin-Eater. They got justice for Jean when no one else could. I never forgot that. The way things have been lately... Psychopaths like Massacre, and the Department escalating in response... I decided I had to do something. Stem the tide of death with a dose of fear. Scare people straight... And it worked. Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 664
Quote1 "The System"? "The System" run by idiot paper pushers like my chief and corrupt judges like Anson Howell? See for yourself. "The System" is a joke. It always was. I'm just not laughing anymore. Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 17.1
Quote1 More than a friend, Teddy Rangel mentored me my first year on the force. He had my back. He was my "rabbi." Everything I am today, I owe to that man. Quote2
Teddy Rangel (Earth-616)
Quote1 The Yuri Watanabe you know? She wasn't real. That Yuri was a story I made up, a lie I told myself--The good grandaughter I thought I wanted to be. Do you know what a wraith is, Spider-Man? It's a wisp, a trace, a ghost--The fading memory of someone who's gone. There's a reason I took the mask back so easily after giving it up. I didn't understand that fully until I killed a man last night. Yuri Watanabe would have been horrified by what I did. But you know how I felt? I felt free! Quote2
Yuriko Watanabe (Earth-616)
Ronnie Chin (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 663 001
Ronnie Chin
Quote1 Who are you? Quote2
Yuriko Watanabe (Earth-616) from Superior Spider-Man Vol 1 16 001
Quote1 You want to know? Ha ha ha! Here, I'll show you... Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 663

All items (6)
