Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Vincent Stegron (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Once, again, the time comesss for...dinosaurs to rule this Earth! Quote2
Thunderstrike Vol 1 20
Quote1 It was only by necccesssity -- to sssave our mutual homesss -- that I deemed to join with you, Ka-Zar-- --but know that when next we meet, it will be asss enemiesss! Quote2
Sensational Spider-Man Vol 1 15
Quote1 SSSTEGRON! The Dinosaur Man! I don't know how you learned of our plansss, Ssspider-Man! But you cannot hope to Ssstop usss! Quote2
Vincent Stegron (Earth-616)
SauronQuote1 For too long have I been content to rule an isolated kingdom at the edge of the world! Now, Sauron-- Quote2
Vincent Stegron (Earth-616) from Spider-Man and the X-Men Vol 1 1 001
Quote1 And Sssstegron... Quote2
SauronQuote1 Yes, and Stegron. Now we saurians shall retake our rightful place as rulers of the Earth! The time has come to reassert reptilian dominance, wrongly usurped by your warm-blooded treachery! Welcome to our newest colony! Welcome to New Savage Island! Quote2
Spider-ManQuote1 Hold up, is this Staten Island?! (Maybe I do wish we were in the Savage Land after all.) Quote2
Spider-Man and the X-Men Vol 1 1

All items (4)
