Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Thor Odinson (Earth-97161).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 The Furnaces of Nidavellir. Land of the Dwarves. Mjolnir, my hammer, was forged here. As well as another, Stormbreaker, for Beta Ray Bill. Two hammers. Quote2
Beta Ray Bill (Earth-97161)
Quote1 The Furnaces of Nidavellir. Land of the Dwarves. Mjolnir, my hammer, was forged here. As well as another, Stormbreaker, for Beta Ray Bill. Two hammers. Now there are three. So, you see, Puddlegulp, we are brothers. Brothers of the hammer. You are never alone. Quote2
Thor Odinson (Earth-97161)
Quote1 The Furnaces of Nidavellir. Land of the Dwarves. Mjolnir, my hammer, was forged here. As well as another, Stormbreaker, for Beta Ray Bill. Quote2

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