Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Thor Odinson (Earth-12041).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Where I come from, some believe humanity to be fragile, weak. Yet I have dedicated my life to this planet because I believe in your strength and honor. I have never regretted my choice, and I do not regret it now. Quote2
Thor Odinson (Earth-12041)
Quote1 Thought you could defeat Asgard's warriors? I say thee... ribbit! Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 9
Quote1 Loki, stop this madness. You are playing with powers beyond you. Quote2
Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 2 12
Quote1 Once unleashed, the serpent will increase in size and mass until it is large enough to feast on the Earth itself. Quote2
Marvel's Avengers Assemble Season 1 4
Quote1 Friends, hear me. Where I come from, some believe humanity to be fragile, weak. Yet I have dedicated my life to this planet because I believe in your strength and honor. I have never regretted my choice, and I do not regret it now. You are better than this, stronger. Resist! Fight! Quote2
Marvel's Avengers Assemble Season 1 15
Quote1 Thor has returned! Quote2
Marvel's Avengers Assemble Season 4 12
Quote1 You are all heroes of great power. Quote2
Defenders (Earth-TRN365)
HawkeyeQuote1 Hey, taking down Ultron the way you did wasn't easy, Tony. Don't be so hard on yourself. We still have faith. Quote2
ThorQuote1 Only through struggle does one truly prove himself. The Avengers that left will soon realize their mistake, and recognize the strengths in your leadership. Quote2
Marvel's Avengers Assemble Season 2 16

All items (9)
