Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Stephen Strange (Earth-616).
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Quote1 Where mankind is menaced by magic... there must Doctor Strange go to combat it! Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 1 118
Quote1 Whether there are ghosts in that house is not for me to say! But, there are far more dangerous things than ghosts... things which most of us do not even dream exist! Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 1 120
Quote1 Be silent! Your cowardly sniveling does not become you! Stand aside while I save your undeserving life! Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 1 122
Quote1 The dread Dormammu!! Most powerful of the dwellers in the realms of darkness!! What does he seek of us? Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 1 126
Quote1 These features are as a cooling draught to my eyes! Would that I had more than her wraith to gaze upon... would that Clea herself were by my side! Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 1 147
Quote1 But, no matter the danger, no matter the dread challenge that awaits me ... I ... must go forth... Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 1 154
Quote1 Charity Work! You've got to be joking, Dr. Benton! These are the most talented hands in the annals of medicine! They don't touch a band-aid for anything but cash! Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 1 169
Quote1 Nightmare!? That phantom fiend who stalks the misty byways of dreams? Could he have come back -- to menace us anew? Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 1 170
Quote1 Whatever befall, the world must never know the full mystic power of Doctor Strange Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 1 171
Quote1 By the dread Vipers of Valtorr! Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 1 174
Quote1 By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth! Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 1 175
Quote1 Before me lies a tombstone... newly-carved... icy cold... and carved upon it is... my name! Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 1 176
Quote1 For, many can be the forms --- and many the faces of the man called Doctor Strange! Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 1 177
Quote1 In a thousand dimensions, Clea ... the one constant is the creature called woman! Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 1 181
Quote1 By the Seraphim's silent chant... and by Munnopor's mystic moon... may omniscient Oshtur grant... this fateful boon! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 126
Quote1 Defenders! A fitting name for such a grouping as we --- if ever we've need to meet again. Quote2
Marvel Feature Vol 1 1
Quote1 You seek to weaken my resolve with fear! But know that Dr. Strange understands fear-- and rules it! Quote2
Marvel Premiere Vol 1 10
Quote1 Hamir -- You who are called the Hermit -- You who have devoted your life to the service of my teacher-- Hamir... I have word of the Ancient One, but I would rather my tongue be palsied than speak it to you. ...The Ancient One will never return. Quote2
Marvel Premiere Vol 1 11
Quote1 The record of the Defenders has been a proud one so far. I am certain that whatever the future may bring, nothing will ever change that. Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 11
Quote1 A true Defender never raises arms against an innocent, no matter how they threaten you-- Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 12
Quote1 There are things in the infinite cosmos that are far beyond your power to permit or deny, Xandu! Quote2
Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 21
Quote1 I must meditate-- attempt to comprehend this cosmos-- for only through knowledge can true salvation come. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 2 2
Quote1 One does not need "guts" to deal with such as you Bulldozer. One requires power -- and Doctor Strange has power in abundance! Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 18
Quote1 We shall have no violence here. Is that clear? Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 27
Quote1 Ordinarily, my friend, I do not approve of revenge as a motive... Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 33
Quote1 By the Vishanti! Quote2
Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 50
Quote1 Though it grieves me to do so, I fear I must leave the Defenders. Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 45
Quote1 For, with all the power at my command, there is nothing I can do to stop the weeping of the universe's most innocent child. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 2 23
Quote1 By the all-seeing eye--I am attacked by a demon out of Hell! Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 2 29
Quote1 With one breath you glory in another man's agony... and with the next, you lust for my disciple! Truly, you are bereft of all honor! Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 2 31
Quote1 Your life is a sham, Black. Your only reality is the refuge of illusion. You have mistaken shadows for substance for so long--. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 2 34
Quote1 A tantric exercise, Clea! It's quite useful for mystic growth! Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 2 49
Quote1 I was sitting here thinking of my disciple... my lover... Clea. Although I have conquered the despair that overwhelmed me when she left -- there remains a void in my life, Master of the mystic arts I may be... but I am still too much -- a man. Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 116
Quote1 She thought she was fighting against seven minds, when, in fact, eight were raised against her! Had she moved more slowly, and consolidated her power, she might have won all our minds! Instead, she lost the single one that mattered most... her own! Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 119
Quote1 You've survived, Steven Grant, and your mind is whole, stronger than before. You have experienced life and death, the natural and the supernatural. You have mastered your will and become a complete man. Quote2
Moon Knight Vol 1 36
Quote1 I am Doctor Strange and that is my body down there with its heart beating so slow it… I will die. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 2 64
Quote1 You people... you have all seen true mystic forces in action. Do any of you wish to remember what you have seen? Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 2 65
Quote1 Greatness has passed from our planet this day, for the incredible Hulk -- as we knew him -- is truly dead. Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 300
Quote1 Your daughter is made of sterner stuff than you know! Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 2 72
Quote1 The flames of regency -- the mantle of her power -- have at last fallen upon the rightful ruler of the Dark Dimension. Long may she reign! Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 2 73
Quote1 How amusing. A whole race of Longshots! Could this planet handle it? It could spark quite the renaissance... but somehow I don't believe there's more than one Longshot in the universe. I suspect Longshot will make his own world worth living in-- with Rita at his side-- and will have no need of this one. Quote2
Longshot Vol 1 6
Quote1 I must deny myself! I have to be pure and undistracted to do what must be done! I can't -- I can not -- I can not love another! Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 2 1
Quote1 Are the reasons I left them behind any less relevant now? What right do i have to endanger them again? Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 2 17
Quote1 Evil cannot be undone Victoria. But I have had to journey to the depths of infinity and beyond to learn this lesson...that it can be healed. Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 2 18
Quote1 If anyone else had said that, I'd have called her a naive fool -- in squeaks and hisses. Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 2
Quote1 Now let the rising tide of power / From birth of stars to final doom / Reveal the place, the form, the hour / Where light's salvation forth may bloom / Where seen and unseen twine and blend -- And darkness end! Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 3
Quote1 By the light -- By the Truth -- By Sangreal and sword and Pendragon's Fire -- By Defender's might and Dragon Circle's destiny -- Behold thy bane! Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 4
Quote1 You see, for the past decade, Vic's been lying, cryogenically frozen in that warehouse that was just torn down. He's brother...who died ten years ago! Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 10
Quote1 The Ghost Rider is more powerful that I remembered -- ! Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 12
Quote1 This is my neighborhood, fanatic. Did you really think I wouldn't take pains to keep it clean of filth like you? Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 32
Quote1 Thanos's maelstrom is sending us backward through time -- so that I can't continue to anchor the heroes we sent against him! Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 33
Quote1 By the darksome void where chaos reigned -- by the myriad Moons of Munnopor -- the Silver Surfer be now constrained by the Roving Rings of Raggadorr! Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 37
Quote1 Ordinarily, I don't like to shoot first and ask questions afterward. I prefer to leave that kind of impatience to Spider-Man and the ever-incredible Hulk. Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 42
Quote1 We have to stop this before it spreads. For good or ill, Gentlemen, the fates seem to have decided that a reunion is in the cards for... the Defenders! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Annual Vol 1 18
Quote1 Eye of Agamotto reveal the truth beneath his skin. Quote2
Marc Spector: Moon Knight Vol 1 44
Quote1 Doctor Strange is no one's servant -- Be they man -- or god! Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 49
Quote1 In other words -- I need to become Sorcerer Supreme again! Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 54
Quote1 I see you must be forced to hear me -- this is now guerrilla warfare -- there is no sanctuary. Witness, however, my friends...some times to wrest victory from apparent disaster, one must force the devastation -- to completion! Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 60
Quote1 understand too quickly. None may claim the Mantle Esoteric -- though it can be given. As I pause...or lament.'ll find a Sorceress Supreme is not an empress. You fill discover short -- TO SERVE! Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 61
Quote1 Oh...Ancient One, if you can hear your former disciple...I think I am losing... my self... I haven't felt so... empty... so alone... since in my arrogance and impatience, I first destroyed my hands... and learned I would never be a surgeon again. Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 63
Quote1 Anthony Druid! You have been called to serve... and serve you shall! Quote2
Secret Defenders Vol 1 15
Quote1 It may feel as if I am not with you, Clea, but I am. Everything I do, you are a part of it... for I love you. Love, to me, is Alchemy... the transformation of the ordinary into something precious... and powerful. Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 67
Quote1 Ahhh, Salome... your corruption may have partially destroyed my body... but you have inadvertently set me on a path... to become more whole... more integrated than my one-dimensional shadow selves... my vengeful than the Dread Dormammu... and more powerful than you. Even with the Vishanti's "charity"! Be warned Salome! Doctor Strange is back -- to finally take matters into his own hands! and nothing will ever drive him underground again! Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 72
Quote1 From this day forward, let the world know that Doctor Stephen Strange is once again its Sorcerer Supreme! Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 75
Quote1 Trust me. I'm a doctor. And, from now on -- the doctor is in. Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 80
Quote1 The remnants of this recently destroyed environmental maintenance platform are rich with the aura of the temporal anomaly which I recently detected! Whoever he is, it is obvious that he wants to change a distant future! Though I can only guess at his motives, I sense that untold cataclysm will surely result from his actions! Quote2
Doom 2099 Vol 1 42
Quote1 You've stolen my body, my house, my friends... my universe. I want them back. Quote2
DC/Marvel: All Access Vol 1 4
Quote1 No! Can't divert my attention now! Must refocus my concentration... hold the realms steady... for anything were to cause me to falter now... Spider-Man would surely die! Quote2
Sensational Spider-Man Vol 1 22
Quote1 You don't have to be ashamed of who you've been... what you've done. I know... better than you could imagine... what it is to sink to the depths. To be on bended knee before God -- screaming for deliverance. Quote2
Man-Thing Vol 3 2
Quote1 On the contrary, my friend. I think your salvation lies in your returning to your blood, antagonistic roots. In other words, Namor--follow your rage. Quote2
Marvel Team-Up Vol 2 8
Quote1 I have been accused of being unrelenting. Merciless. Perhaps I am. For I have looked into that heart of darkness. I know the chill of evil. I have clearly seen that, no matter what, sometimes the night cannot be kept at bay. So I carefully choose my battles. I fight those I can win. And make sure the ones I can't win are worth dying for. Quote2
Shadows & Light Vol 1 2
Quote1 And I have found a most courageous ally in the Amazing Spider-Man. Brash and flippant he may be, but I sense in his young life a recent tragedy, perhaps greater even than my own. Whatever the truth may be, Spider-Man has a valiant spirit to match his astounding powers! Clearly, he has accepted the great responsibility that great power demands! Quote2
Untold Tales of Spider-Man: Strange Encounters Vol 1 1
Quote1 And how few will ever know the price he has paid for the good of the many... matter how much it hurt the one. Quote2
Spider-Man: Lifeline Vol 1 3
Quote1 By Hoggoth, your brainless antics would try the patience of a saint! Quote2
Defenders Vol 2 8
Quote1 We are inside the moment between moments. We may even be able to affect what happens when the quantum possibilities collapse into one reality. Our reality. Our future. Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 58
Quote1 The magics are being abused. Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 502
Quote1 My theory... Listen to me. This chaos magic -- the source of her new "reality-altering powers..." I am the master of the mystic arts -- and I am telling you... there's no such thing as chaos magic. Please forget we are talking about your friend. And listen to me tell you the story of an orphaned mutant with a sordid, violent past... with powers she did not earn nor can she control... Powers she never fully understood. Can you understand the declicate mindset of a woman, a person, who has control over reality? It means reality controls her. Imagination becomes the enemy. Structure disappears. Reality, eventually, as she knows it, starts to slip away. Elude her. Blur. Drama, conflict, tragedy. They become excuses to change the world to fit the image that she has for it. Anything she doesn't like, she can change. No matter how slight. People. Places. Things. Everything is hers to change. But every time she does that, every time she gives in to her desires, no matter how noble they may be... a little more of her slips away. She loses herself. Her reason. But she struggles quietly every day to keep it in check -- to keep it all together. For a person of strong mind and body, for a person of pure spirit... the task of coping with these powers would be all-consuming. But here's a woman for whom, by the nature of her upbringing and occupation... every day is stressful, chaotic... and after a life lived with lost love, violence, and drama, what does she do? She says to herself: "I deserve happiness. I want to bring something into this world that is good. That I can love." And she gives birth to children... even though she can't. She played mommy to make herself feel like someone she thinks is normal. And that ends tragically as well? If I told you a story like this, you'd say to yourself, this sounds like a person who has lost control of themselves on a deep psychological level. You'd say this sounds like a disturbed person. Now, does anything I have described not sound like Wanda Maximoff? Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 503
Quote1 Oh, I'm so sorry. Forgive me. I'll try and be a tad more quiet as I desperately struggle to break free -- and save all creation! Quote2
Defenders Vol 3 2
Quote1 You're a good man who's led a good life. Prepare to die. Quote2
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 1 2
Quote1 I have gazed into the baleful orifices of Dormammu... but they were pretty compared to you. Quote2
X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl Vol 1 2
Quote1 There is no right or wrong in this debate. It is simply a matter of perspective, and it is not my place to influence the evolution of the superhuman role. Quote2
Civil War Vol 1 6
Quote1 If you find her, if by some miracle -- I doubt what you'll find will help you feel better about what's happened. It may make things worse. Quote2
New Avengers Vol 1 26
Quote1 What, you plan to turn into a purple dragon while I take the form of a germ for you to catch? Please, do you honestly want to have a wizard's duel with me? Quote2
Doctor Strange: The Oath Vol 1 5
Quote1 Don't be snooty, Wong. Quote2
New Avengers Vol 1 28
Quote1 Our struggles of late. I have had to call upon darker forces than I would normally use….Forces I thought I could control, but I can’t. It was arrogance. The same arrogance that led me down the path I’m on in the first place. My hands are useless again. And I tried to disguise it. All these years, and I have learned nothing. There’s—I’ve had no time to deal with what I’ve done, and the forces are overpowering me. I wanted to help you, my friends. I wanted so much to help my old friend Bruce Banner. But I failed. And I have failed at my task as Sorcerer Supreme of this dimension. I—I don’t think I can help you anymore. I need to atone for what I have done. I need to relearn all that I have lost. And put back magics which I had no business using in the first place. I can’t help you anymore. You need to leave here. We all do. I’m so sorry, my friends. Quote2
New Avengers Annual Vol 1 2
Quote1 D'Spayre. It's D'Spayre! He's using the Cube! ... Cap's death...the war between the heroes...the loss of security...their own lives...all their wishes for something else...all their sadness for not getting what they long for...all coming here, all being amplified...filling up every nook and cranny of our world...until we drown in the regret. Quote2
Avengers / Invaders Vol 1 7
Quote1 It would require taking almost all of that power from you, and investing it in Mjolnir. You would be back where you were before you inherited his power. But there's something else. If I do this, if I take from you the power to recreate Mjolnir, then you and the hammer will be bound together as never before. As goes Mjolnir, so goes Thor. If the hammer is ever destroyed or damaged again this badly - you will die. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 602
Quote1 I'd forgotten how terrific it felt to simply relax and not have to feel responsible for every little thing that goes wonky... Quote2
Strange Vol 2 1
Quote1 If you do not pay the utmost attention, magic can get away from you in a heartbeat. Every spell, every sigil, every manipulation... you must keep a close eye on everything so it doesn't backfire. Quote2
Strange Vol 2 2
Quote1 Tony Stark. Do you remember me? I'm Dr. Stephen Strange. I've come to show you the way out of this hole you're in. The world needs it's Iron Man. Quote2
Invincible Iron Man Vol 2 22
Quote1 Come on, Larry. Let's go make some consequences. Quote2
Strange Vol 2 4
Quote1 I have fought to keep the world just the way it is. I have saved it, Wong. Time and time again. And look at it... Quote2
Mystic Hands of Doctor Strange Vol 1 1
Quote1 Spider! The Vishanti commands you--release your prey. Quote2
Spider-Man: Fever Vol 1 1
Quote1 A shoal of sentient matchsticks? I'm sorry. I don't speak match. Quote2
Spider-Man: Fever Vol 1 2
Quote1 Without the Eye of Agamotto...we forfeit... Everything. Quote2
New Avengers Vol 2 2
Quote1 She thanks me for my help. I tell her that I wish the world could see the X-Men as I do. She doesn't care about the world, she says. Blink is alive, free from Selene's influence. That's what Emma cares about now. I ask her what happens next. She says that's up to Blink now. But I don't need to see the future to know what fate holds for Blink. Clarice Ferguson is a mutant, a survivor, a hero. That makes her an X-Man. Quote2
X-Men: To Serve and Protect Vol 1 3
Quote1 Loose the vapors of Valtorr which kept the truth concealed -- by the blessed three Vishanti, let my garb now be revealed. Eye of Agamatto, lead me to the one behind this... Quote2
Doctor Strange: From the Marvel Vault Vol 1 1
Quote1 Depending on just who made what wishes... the Hulk might actually get exactly what he wants. Quote2
Incredible Hulks Vol 1 633
Quote1 Listen -- I know you want to stand with the Hulk...bear witness...but you know what's happening. No one here is going to survive. This is the end, Amadeus...and even more importantly...this is the end he wants. Quote2
Incredible Hulks Vol 1 634
Quote1 I believe observation and knowledge must precede action. Quote2
Daredevil Annual Vol 3 1
Quote1 I challenge you, Daniel. In front of the Avengers, in front of the world. Sorcerer to sorcerer, I challenge you! To the death! Quote2
New Avengers Vol 2 33
Quote1 On the card is written his last known location. You mission requires travel. To a distant land where old ways are practiced. Where the people and customs will seem unworldly and alien to you. Quote2
Daredevil Vol 3 32
Quote1 I need more [power]. I want to be able to move worlds and shake them to their foundations. I want enough power in my hands to tear planets from the heavens and place them in a new sky. Quote2
New Avengers Vol 3 14
Quote1 Wade, I cannot rip Preston from your mind. You must allow her to leave. Quote2
Deadpool Vol 5 24
Quote1 When you say "the Hulk," you think you know what that means. But the Hulk we knew no longer exists. There is no humanity left in him. So what we were dealing with was an animal. A monster. Quote2
Savage Hulk Vol 2 5
Quote1 Illyana Rasputin. Darkchild, if you prefer. My name is Stephen Strange. I am Sheriff of Agamotto and the Right Hand of Doom. Quote2
Inferno Vol 1 4
Quote1 I warned you about the... Wong, I did tell her, I swear. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 4 2
Quote1 So the question is: How did they know about these items of power slipping through the dimensional cracks and we did not? Quote2
Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 3
Quote1 Impossible? I've learned never to use that word in my line of work. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 4 4
Quote1 This is Doctor Strange, broadcasting on all known mystical wavelengths. The Earth is under assault. All sites of magical significance are possible targets. The Empirikul are here. And they are not at all what we were expecting. Our enemies are not magicians. Their weapons are technological. But don't allow that to make you overconfident. This... is unlike any technology I've ever seen. A technology with the power to disrupt magic. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 4 5
Quote1 You wanted to end all magic. Well, I've got a better job for you. This is it. Zelma Stanton only saved one book from my library. Bless her soul. And it's one I wrote. I call it The Thing in the Cellar. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 4 10
Quote1 This is just the way I look now, Wong. Say hello to the new face of magic. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 4 11
Quote1 Clowns. Of course. There's gonna be a lot of clowns. Isn't there? Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 4 13
Quote1 Okay, but... I'm definitely writing your diner a strongly worded Yelp review. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 4 14
Quote1 That was merely a confirmation that I haven't brought us on a wild ghost chase. Quote2
Doctor Strange / Punisher: Magic Bullets Infinite Comic Vol 1 4
Quote1 Don't make any sudden moves, Frank -- I got your back. Quote2
Doctor Strange / Punisher: Magic Bullets Infinite Comic Vol 1 6
Quote1 Mordo, Nightmare, Satana, the Orb (the Orb-- still can't get over that one), and Dormammu. This was quite the week from Hell. But at least I showed them I'm still as stubborn as ever when it comes to being murdered. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 4 16
Quote1 You can tell me, I'm a doctor. Quote2
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Vol 1 16
Quote1 I've been going about this all wrong. But so have you. Love. That's how you think you can hurt me? Love's not even in the job description for a Sorcerer Supreme. But you know what is? Pain. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 4 19
Quote1 The island of Manhattan is under siege by the Darkforce Dimension... and I'm trapped in a gilded golf cart... with a pack of overgrown children. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 4 22
Quote1 Wiccan. Billy. Who made the deal for the mark? If we can find them, we can -- Quote2
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme Vol 1 10
Quote1 Oh, the many years I've waited to hear you speak those words, Mordo. Now, shall we end this? Your awesome stockpile of magic... versus my carefully honed skills and experience? Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 4 24
Quote1 The cup grants you... a kind of immortality, Yao. You'll age slowly. And while you may not live forever... you do live long enough to teach all of us. We are your legacy... Master. Quote2
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme Vol 1 12
Quote1 I just can't shake the feeling... this has all happened before. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 4 25
Quote1 I'll be with you in a moment, young man. For now, please just stand by. As buffoonish as he seems, Baron Mordo can be dangerous. Quote2
Warriors of Three Sovereigns Vol 1 7
Quote1 Your sword knows who your allies are and where to find them. Quote2
Warriors of Three Sovereigns Vol 1 8
Quote1 I shouldn't be here. I made a promise to the man at the top of this mountain that I would never come to him for help. Technically speaking, he doesn't even exist. And the odds are strong he'll kill me for even attempting to make contact... Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 1 382
Quote1 If you change into Thor... even one more time... there will be no coming back. Jane Foster will die. Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 2 703
Quote1 I did bring Las Vegas back, but something else came along with it. Something evil. A nightmare. Something... hellish. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 1 386
Quote1 If I weren't furious and half-dead I'd be impressed. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 1 388
Quote1 I don't understand. Does this... are you coming back? Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 1 390
Quote1 Unless I'm mistaken it's the Eye of Basphorus! Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 5 2
Quote1 The Time Stone, it's been... re-created somehow. Why... why is it here? Who could have... Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 5 3
Quote1 Those of you who can hear my call through the stone... I am Doctor Strange. We must have a parley. Imminent danger approaches. I summon a gathering of the Infinity Watch. Earth. Midnight tomorrow in New York's Central Park. I guarantee safe conduct for all. As some of you may know, the Infinity Stones are different than they once were. I don't know why yet -- but we must make sure they're safeguarded. I ask that you come and hear what I have to say. It's critical we six souls safeguard the stones... because we may have only one opportunity to stave off calamity. Quote2
Infinity Countdown Vol 1 5
Quote1 If you were really me, you'd never take your eyes off your opponent. I see no reason to prolong this. By the Omnipotence of Oshtur -- reveal your true self! Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 5 6
Quote1 Would you like to know why I won't let you have Bleecker Street? Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 5 9
Quote1 You maniac! Don't you realize the chaos you've triggered? Despite his power, Galactus is fundamentally a creature of science! To introduce a force that... that alien to the mystic realms is unconscionable! Nothing there follows the laws of existence that he carries with him! His presence there may very well unbalance existence itself! Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 5 12
Quote1 Peter. Some things are beyond magic and medicine. Some things can't be avoided... some things just have to be faced. Quote2
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 2 5
Quote1 I, Stephen Strange... I will serve as the Herald of Galactus. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 5 13
Quote1 According to their scripture, Varkis can't be killed except in the manner depicted in the Khandra. Quote2
Wolverine vs. Blade Special Vol 1 1
Quote1 Knowingly marching thousands upon thousands to their deaths is the hardest thing I have ever done. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 5 16
Quote1 Some of these creatures were conscripted against their will, Frank... I'll leave the monsters to you. Quote2
Punisher Kill Krew Vol 1 1
Quote1 But long before I took the mantle of Sorcerer, I took an oath. "I will do no harm. I shall apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures that are required. And I will never play God." Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 5 19
Quote1 Kanna, this is Stephen Strange. If you can hear me, I need your assistance. Can you help? Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 5 20
Quote1 Bring me to where you saw this creature. Quote2
Contagion Vol 1 2
Quote1 Zelma, do you think you could still throw a Halloween party? Quote2
Doctor Strange Annual Vol 3 1
Quote1 My name is Dr. Stephen Strange. As Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, I have a unique and demanding responsibility to protect it from any mystical menaces that may threaten it. But I'm also the world's greatest neurosurgeon, and the Hippocratic oath is a lifetime vow. So I've reached an arrangement with the hospital: They call me in only for the operations that no one else -- no one else -- has the skill to perform. Quote2
Dr. Strange Vol 1 1
Quote1 Your power upgrade. Where did it come from? Quote2
Dr. Strange Vol 1 2
Quote1 I... Kamala, a lot of time passed before you arrived. The rate of cell death... I'm so sorry, but I'm afraid there's been permanent damage. I won't know the extent until he wakes up. Quote2
Magnificent Ms. Marvel Vol 1 12
Quote1 He has returned. Quote2
Savage Avengers Vol 1 0
Quote1 Toby, I recognize that symbol. It's a sigil of possession from near the dawn of time. Your tattoo is... infected. I can operate... but let's put you to sleep first. Quote2
Dr. Strange Vol 1 3
Quote1 Let's just pray this isn't a huge mistake. Quote2
Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality Vol 1 4
Quote1 Oh, Marc, what have you done? Quote2
Avengers Vol 8 33
Quote1 Whether it was to save lives or not, you made a deal with a demonic entity -- did you really think that wouldn't come back to haunt you? Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 50
Quote1 Has anyone ever told you how exhausting you are, madam? Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 51.LR
Quote1 At almost any point in my life... I would slay you... Perhaps I'm getting wiser. You have a part to play in the natural order, don't you? Quote2
Savage Avengers Vol 1 23
Quote1 He's afraid of us... because together we are all the colors of his magic! The Defenders aren't a team--we're a living spell! Quote2
Defenders Vol 6 3
Quote1 Clea fights for love, for hope of reunion. As do I. You may have Stephen Strange as your Harvestman, you may have my very soul... but my heart remains hers. Quote2
Strange Vol 3 5
Quote1 I am alive. My enemies? Vanquished. My love? Returned to me. Or rather, I to her. Life, victory, love... all the things a man could want, have been granted to me. But there is a price for all these things, one which I gladly pay--duty. The work never ends. And so I return to work. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 6 1
Quote1 It was a cunningly wrought spell, Clea. It took everything I had to unravel it. And what's more, when I did shatter it, I felt an echo--a shudder. I received a glimpse of something. A network. A constellation of burning souls, linked together with arcane bindings. We freed this child's soul... but she was just a part of a greater abomination. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 6 2
Quote1 It is, after all, Parley Day... which means that must be your uncle. The Dread Dormammu. Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 6 3
Quote1 Blade--I hear you are the one responsible for our collision course with Armageddon. I'm not angry. I'm disappointed. Quote2
Blade Vol 5 3
Quote1 What say you, oh Trinity of Ashes? Do we have a deal? Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 6 8
Quote1 Imagine if people all around the world had no idea they were tied to the occult. Imagine if something woke up the occult power inside of them. Like a time bomb. That's what she did. Quote2
Blade Vol 5 5
Quote1 Father Matt. It's time for your confession. Quote2
Daredevil Vol 8 5
Quote1 This one doesn't like me judging her and is thinking of creatively brutal ways to murder me. Quote2
Bellona (Earth-616)
Quote1 Eternity! You who are the beginning and the end and the all of time itself-- Quote2
Eternity (Earth-616)
Quote1 And now, by might of Gorrath's bones, secure the mortar... Bond these stones! Quote2
Gorrath (Earth-616)
Quote1 Her name is Kushala. The Demon Rider. Like my other companions, she is a Sorcerer Supreme. And like all of them, she is hiding something. Quote2
Kushala (Earth-616)
Quote1 Her name is Nina. She calls herself The Conjuror. She's Brazilian. A Sorcerer Supreme from the 1950s. And that's all I know about her. But I sense she knows more about The Forgotten than any of us. Quote2
Nina (Sorcerer Supreme) (Earth-616)
Quote1 I have been accused of being unrelenting. Merciless. Perhaps I am. For I have looked into that heart of darkness. I know the chill of evil. I have clearly seen that, no matter what, sometimes the night cannot be kept at bay. So I carefully choose my battles. I fight those I can win. And make sure the ones I can't win are worth dying for. Quote2
Stephen Strange (Earth-616)
Quote1 Billy Kaplan has been many things. A Young Avenger. A grown-up Avenger. An X-Man. And apparently in the not too distant future... he replaces me as the Sorcerer Supreme. Quote2
William Kaplan (Earth-13729)
Quote1 Well, we're not a team. We're a universe Quote2
Defenders (Earth-616)
Quote1 It is even more magnificent than I imagined Quote2
Temple of the Three
Quote1 By the Vapors of the Great Valtorr which do all things conceal-- Quote2
Bolts of Bedevilment
Quote1 Although the darkness may come from all sides, the light can have many facets too! And through the spell of the Crystal of Vyhagh Ar, we shall see--That the true light has a thousand arrows in its defense! Quote2
Crystal of Vyhagh Ar
Quote1 The Fire of Mahkala. Is this your natural state? Quote2
Fire of Mahkala
Quote1 Vapors of Valtorr -- Swirl 'round thy brow! May the Moon's Mists of Morpheus envelop thee now! Quote2
Mists of Morpheus
Quote1 May the Many Moons of Munnopor banish these phantom blade-wielders to the eternal void from whence they came! Quote2
Moons of Munnopor (Spell)
Quote1 May the Shield of the Seraphim protect me! Quote2
Shield of the Seraphim
Quote1 His power--It's grown greater than I thought! He grasps the in the Talons of Farallah--at a planetary distance! Quote2
Talons of Farallah
Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Strange Tales Vol 1 127 0001
Doctor Strange
Quote1 Even though I perish in the attempt, I dare not falter! My life means nothing! Quote2
Clea (Earth-616) from Strange Tales Vol 1 127 0001
Quote1 No! It is not of you I am thinking! If, by some unbelievable miracle you should triumph, it could mean the end of us! Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 1 127
Tiboro (Earth-616) from Strange Tales Vol 1 129 0001
Quote1 I suspected that my activities would attract your attention! I hoped to go on without your interference! But, now I must deal with you before I continue! Quote2
Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Strange Tales Vol 1 127 0001
Doctor Strange
Quote1 All the mystic forces must deal with Doctor Strange! Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 1 129
Doctor StrangeQuote1 May the Vishanti watch over thee! Quote2
Spider-ManQuote1 And may your amulet never tickle! Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Annual Vol 1 2
Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Excalibur Vol 3 13 0002
Doctor Strange
Quote1 I suspect you won because you had no brain large enough for him to grab onto -- to paralyze. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 What? Are you trying to insult Hulk? Quote2
Marvel Feature Vol 1 3
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
The Hulk
Quote1 Magician?! Come out, magician--or Hulk will tear magician's house down around his ears! Quote2
Dr. StrangeQuote1 That is neither possible nor necessary, friend Hulk, for I am here... what help would you have... of Dr. Strange? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
The Hulk
Quote1 Hulk will smash magician! Quote2
Dr. StrangeQuote1 That is what you say, Hulk. though that is not what you truly want. Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 299
Marvel Tales Doctor Strange Vol 1 1 Virgin Variant
Doctor Strange
Rintrah (Earth-616) from Spider-Man Dr. Strange The Way to Dusty Death Vol 1 1 001
Quote1 Master-- Please, Master--! Quote2
Marvel Tales Doctor Strange Vol 1 1 Virgin Variant
Doctor Strange
Quote1 I am NOT evil--! I am Doctor Strange, Guardian of the Light--! Quote2
Rintrah (Earth-616) from Spider-Man Dr. Strange The Way to Dusty Death Vol 1 1 001
Quote1 I know you well enough to know you are not evil, master. You are brave and good--! Quote2
Marvel Tales Doctor Strange Vol 1 1 Virgin Variant
Doctor Strange
Quote1 And yet I bring pain-- Whatever good I do turns to greater evil-- And I can’t stop it. Quote2
Kaluu (Earth-616) from Mighty Avengers Vol 2 11 0002
Quote1 For the good that I would, I do not; But the evil that I would not, that I do. Quote2
Marvel Tales Doctor Strange Vol 1 1 Virgin Variant
Doctor Strange
Quote1 Who--? Quote2
Kaluu (Earth-616) from Mighty Avengers Vol 2 11 0002
Quote1 Paul of Tarsus, if memory serves. But you’re not referring to the quote, my mistake. Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 2 8
Kaluu (Earth-616) from Mighty Avengers Vol 2 11 0002
Quote1 No human, no mortal has ever dared to go so deep. We are far beyond the level of those who attack us. Here the demons we know-- Mephisto, Satannish-- would be like mice in a great temple. I can go no farther... The place is destroying me... But you, Stephen-- You are Sorcerer Supreme. You can go on-- and you must. Quote2
Marvel Tales Doctor Strange Vol 1 1 Virgin Variant
Doctor Strange
Quote1 No-- I have turned away from everything else that I've known-- my vows, my friends-- I can't turn away from you too--! Quote2
Kaluu (Earth-616) from Mighty Avengers Vol 2 11 0002
Quote1 You can. That has been my gift to you: You can betray everything now-- Forsake everything but the task. Quote2
Marvel Tales Doctor Strange Vol 1 1 Virgin Variant
Doctor Strange
Quote1 And myself. Forget-- and betray myself? Quote2
Kaluu (Earth-616) from Mighty Avengers Vol 2 11 0002
Quote1 Good-bye, Stephen Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 2 13
Ghost Rider Danny Ketch Vol 1 1 Textless
Ghost Rider
Quote1 Come, Sorcerer! Cast any spell your magic-laden mind can conceive! The Ghost Rider will survive them all! Quote2
Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Excalibur Vol 3 13 0002
Doctor Strange
Quote1 Yes--or perish in the process! Quote2
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 28
Mr. FantasticQuote1 I don't understand. What am I choosing? Quote2
Doctor StrangeQuote1 How our universe will end. Quote2
Sentry Vol 1 3
Strange Academy Vol 1 3 Doctor Strange Timeless Variant
Doctor Strange
Quote1 Jessica, I'm Doctor Strange. It's good to meet you. We're going to get through this. I was at the birth of the last Avengers' baby. Quote2
Spider-Woman Vol 7 5 Spider-Woman Timeless Variant
Quote1 Oh yeah. The Scarlet Witch and the Vision. Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 50 Spider-Man Timeless Variant
Quote1 And this has to go better than that did. Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 50 Spider-Man Timeless Variant
Quote1 Oh my God, that was so much more clever in my head before it came out of my mouth. Quote2
Spider-Woman Vol 7 5 Spider-Woman Timeless Variant
Quote1 I don't think it was. Quote2
Strange Academy Vol 1 3 Doctor Strange Timeless Variant
Doctor Strange
Quote1 How about the rest of you wait in the library? Quote2
The Pulse Vol 1 12
Linda Carter (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 2 58 001
Night Nurse
Quote1 Thanks, but you're not the only doctor in the room. "Night Nurse" is just catchier than than Night General Practitioner. Quote2
Doctor StrangeQuote1 I'm aware of your credentials, my dear. Brilliant young medical student once rescued by the City's costumed champions dedicates her life to their care, yes? A skilled physician, she secretly dreams of one day becoming a "super hero" herself, etcetera, etcetera. Quote2
Linda Carter (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 2 58 001
Night Nurse
Quote1 I have no interest in ever joining your little club, Strange. Quote2
Doctor StrangeQuote1 Of course. I'm sure that cape is just part of your Florence Nightingale fetish. Quote2
Doctor Strange: The Oath Vol 1 1
Brigand (Earth-616) from Doctor Strange The Oath Vol 1 2 001
Quote1 All right, all right! Dude didn't pay me enough for this. This...this is him, okay? This is the guy. Quote2
Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Excalibur Vol 3 13 0001
Doctor Strange
Quote1 ...Who the hell is that? Quote2
Doctor Strange: The Oath Vol 1 3
Spider-ManQuote1 That thing you do with your fingers, when you zap the magic spells...Yeah, that's it. I kinda do that too, when I spray my webbing. Strange, huh? Quote2
Dr. StrangeQuote1 Yes it is strange. Quote2
Spider-Man: Fever Vol 1 3
NamorQuote1 The Defenders! How...? Quote2
Dr. StrangeQuote1 While we were in New Atlantis, I took the liberty of conjuring a more...aggressive version of Belial's Beckoning. I put the call out to Defenders, Secret Defenders, even those who were only Defenders for a Day... Pretty much everyone. And I didn't take 'no' for an answer. Quote2
Fear Itself: The Deep Vol 1 4
Doctor StrangeQuote1 Impossible... What could kill the Ghost Rider? Quote2
Son of SatanQuote1 Hell, Stephen. And now, it's here. Quote2
Venom Vol 2 13.2
Daniel Rand (Earth-616) from Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 2 1 0001
Iron Fist
Quote1 I think I'm going to buy myself a Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4. Quote2
Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from New Avengers Vol 2 34
Doctor Strange
Quote1 That is a great idea. Quote2
Daniel Rand (Earth-616) from Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 2 1 0001
Iron Fist
Quote1 You want one? Quote2
Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from New Avengers Vol 2 34
Doctor Strange
Quote1 Yes. Quote2
New Avengers Vol 2 31
Norn (Earth-4290001) from New Avengers Vol 3 16.NOW 001
Quote1 What have you done, Sorcerer? What have you done? Quote2
Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from New Avengers Vol 3 7 001
Doctor Strange
Quote1 Given all I had left-- I have sacrificed what little remained... All to destroy your world... and save mine. Quote2
New Avengers Vol 3 20
Imperator (Earth-616) from Doctor Strange Vol 4 5 001
Quote1 No more, Doctor Strange! Magic's final hour has come! Quote2
Doctor StrangeQuote1 Really? Because the magic says otherwise! Abracadabra, you son of a bitch! Quote2
Doctor Strange Vol 4 6
Captain Marvel Vol 8 1 Textless
Captain Marvel
Quote1 Forgetting all else, Stephen, we were, not so long ago, literally inside each other's bodies. That doesn't qualify as close? Quote2
Marvel Tales Doctor Strange Vol 1 1 Virgin Variant
Doctor Strange
Quote1 No. That qualifies as... I don't know what that qualifies as. But I don't know your favorite color, so no, we're not close. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 8 1 Textless
Captain Marvel
Quote1 Is that the barometer? Very well then, I like blue. Which is perhaps boring, but also true. You? Quote2
Marvel Tales Doctor Strange Vol 1 1 Virgin Variant
Doctor Strange
Quote1 I've never thought about it. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 8 1 Textless
Captain Marvel
Quote1 You are infuriating. Quote2
Marvel Tales Doctor Strange Vol 1 1 Virgin Variant
Doctor Strange
Quote1 I know. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 10 27
Carol Danvers (Earth-616) from Empyre Vol 1 2 001
Captain Marvel
Quote1 I need you to teach me magic Quote2
Marvel Tales Doctor Strange Vol 1 1 Virgin Variant
Doctor Strange
Quote1 HAHAHAHA! Oh, you're serious. Quote2
Carol Danvers (Earth-616) from Empyre Vol 1 2 001
Captain Marvel
Quote1 Yeah. Quote2
Marvel Tales Doctor Strange Vol 1 1 Virgin Variant
Doctor Strange
Quote1 Then no. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 10 28
Captain AmericaQuote1 I'm not going to go into a fight carrying a doll. Quote2
Doctor StrangeQuote1 Then snap off my head. It's the only part you'll need to maintain contact. Quote2
Captain AmericaQuote1 Stephen Quote2
Doctor StrangeQuote1 It's the only way. I'll be fine. Quote2
Captain AmericaQuote1 Okay... Quote2
Doctor StrangeQuote1 See? That's not so bad. Now just put me in one of your pouches. Always wondered what kind of equipment you carried in these. And -- Why is there a half-eaten granola bar in here? Oh good, a mint... Quote2
Captain America Vol 11 5
Doctor StrangeQuote1 I give you... The Eye of Agamotto! Pretty sure this is the only thing you can use safely and can defeat Asmoday. Everything else is too dangerous. Quote2
Captain AmericaQuote1 Not this belongs in the middle of a symbol for America, Strange. Quote2
Doctor StrangeQuote1 You seen the back of a dollar bill lately? Quote2
Captain AmericaQuote1 Point taken. Quote2
Captain America Vol 11 6

All items (225)
