Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Peter Parker (Earth-22191).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 My name is Peter Parker. I used to be Spider-Man. Quote2
Spider-Verse Vol 2 3
Quote1 He wasn't some clone, he was a hero. Quote2
Benjamin Reilly (Earth-22191)
Quote1 Gwen... he killed you. He's smiling now, but he's psychotic and he'll kill you and all your friends as soon as it suits him. Quote2
Norman Osborn (Earth-22191)
Quote1 I once fought a guy named Thanos. Huge ugly purple dude. Literally killed gazillions of people. I stood on the deck of his ship and I punched that guy in the face. And still... still, I'd never truly seen evil until I stood on a bridge in my hometown and looked into the eyes of a man I'd known most of my life. Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-22191)
Quote1 Huge ugly purple dude. Literally killed gazillions of people. Quote2
Thanos (Earth-22191)

All items (5)
