Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Moonstomp (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 He took off like the boy with the jet-powered bum! Quote2
Skrull Kill Krew Vol 1 1
Quote1 I'm bloody white and I'll faggin' murder anybody who says different! Quote2
Skrull Kill Krew Vol 1 4
Quote1 Oi!' Watching all that violent telly turns you into a faggin' psychopath, mate. Quote2
Skrull Kill Krew Vol 1 5
Quote1 Maybe it has something to do with us all havin' been mostly dead. Or maybe my mates never were what I thought. Bu lookin' at 'em now...I don't know if they've got the stones to fight a war like this. Where everything's twisted, all out of shape. And where the rest of the world's got other problems and could give a toss about a war they were already tired of. That's when you need a hardcore bugger who can fight on, not because of some whinging principle...but because he really bloody enjoys it. Quote2
Skrull Kill Krew Vol 2 3
Quote1 Maybe it has something to do with us all havin' been mostly dead. Or maybe my mates never were what I thought. Bu lookin' at 'em now...I don't know if they've got the stones to fight a war like this. Where everything's twisted, all out of shape. And where the rest of the world's got other problems and could give a toss about a war they were already tired of. That's when you need a hardcore bugger who can fight on, not because of some whinging principle...but because he really bloody enjoys it. Quote2
Moonstomp (Earth-616)

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