Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Miranda Leevald (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Want a rematch, fatty? If there's one thing I's leaving things unfinished. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 406
Quote1 The Ranch was like heaven for us, Kurt. We had friends, we had company, we talked about boys and watched romantic movies and had pillow fights -- Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 416
Quote1 When I went to be with the X-Men, I found a new way to use my powers. To me, it was a whole new lease on life. I made men horny for good instead of evil. But you know what that really means? Just a whore in a different wrapper, Miss Floyd...a whore in a different wrapper. Quote2
Generation M Vol 1 2
Quote1 Win or lose, it always turns on the same thing... [...] Someone dares to try something new. Quote2
Way of X Vol 1 3
Quote1 When I went to be with the X-Men, I found a new way to use my powers. To me, it was a whole new lease on life. I made men horny for good instead of evil. But you know what that really means? Just a whore in a different wrapper, Miss Floyd... a whore in a different wrapper. Quote2
Miranda Leevald (Earth-616)
Quote1 We call it the Bower. It's for folks who're...lonely. Or frustrated or sad...The ones you dramatic pose types never much notice. The ones who haven't figured out where they fit into paradise. Quote2
Bower (Krakoa)

All items (6)
