Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Martha Johansson (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Someone else needs our help... not sure whom, but a familiar voice. Quote2
Extraordinary X-Men Vol 1 20
Quote1 We can't trust the adults. How many times have our questions and fears been brushed aside with barely any consideration? Cosmar asked for their help, and they gave her platitudes. Quote2
New Mutants Vol 4 20
Quote1 Instead of you taking care of me, we could have been taking care of each other. Quote2
New Mutants Lethal Legion Vol 1 5
Quote1 Humans took me and tore my brain from my body, and instead of the X-Men undoing what those monsters had done, I was left to figure out how to fend for myself. They even gave me a name that pokes fun at what I went through. No-Girl. Quote2
Martha Johansson (Earth-616)
Shela Sexton (Earth-616) from Marvel's Voices Pride Vol 2 1 001
Quote1 Say goodbye to Escapade and Scout--and say hello to... BlasterDame! Quote2
Gabrielle Kinney (Earth-616) from Crisis Marvel Protocol X-23 and Honey Badger Art box
Quote1 And... FistiCuss! Quote2
Martha Johansson (Earth-616) from New Mutants Vol 4 24 001
Quote1 So hard-core. There's no way this can possibly go wrong! Quote2
New Mutants Lethal Legion Vol 1 1

All items (5)
