Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Madcap (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Home, home for the strange, where the queer and the cantalope play... Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 309
Quote1 Something about me pushes people over that line, so they see life for what it really is-- A cosmic banana peel! Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 234
Quote1 Here's my chance to appear in more than one measly comic this year. Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 9
Quote1 We can't allow it to end here, Ghostie! No. This is the beginning of a beautiful relationship... no matter how much innocent blood must be spilled. Quote2
Ghost Rider Vol 3 33
Quote1 When you get driven helplessly insane-- --you're really quiet about it. (...) "Snikt"? Whups! If you want me to say ouch, you have to warn me before you do something like that. Now that's funny. Hand it to you, most people I make loony, it lasts. What do you think it means? You think you're saner than most? Or already crazy? Quote2
Wolverine: The Best There Is Vol 1 2
Quote1  I'm singing through the pain! BOOP! I'm singing through the pain, something something, paint the town red! Feel my love! We would like everyone in New York to die -- the hard way. You get a weapon, and you get a weapon! So get out there and make people scared of Deadpool again! Quote2
Deadpool Vol 6 4
Quote1 The worst thing that ever happened to me was being trapped in your head. Quote2
Deadpool Vol 6 5
Quote1 I was a fool to think I could destroy you any better than you could. Quote2
Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 294
Quote1 When you get driven helplessly insane -- you're really quiet about it. (...) "Snikt"? Whups! If you want me to say ouch, you have to warn me before you do something like that. Now that's funny. Hand it to you, most people I make loony, it lasts. What do you think it means? You think you're saner than most? Or already crazy? Quote2
Madcap (Earth-616)
Madcap (Earth-616) from Deadpool Annual Vol 3 1 001
Quote1 Now for more fun and adventure my mad caplettes! Remember adventure is my middle name--or is it Agamemnon? Never mind Quote2
Franklin RichardsQuote1 How we gonna have fun here, Madcap? This is just a crowded street! Quote2
Madcap (Earth-616) from Deadpool Annual Vol 3 1 001
Quote1 Just a street! Why after I'm through with it its own mother won't recognize it! Quote2
Power Pack Vol 1 34
DeadpoolQuote1 Man, this is freakin' my #&$% out... Quote2
Deadpool's Inner VoiceQuote1 What, touchin' 'em?. We touch ourself all the time! Quote2
DeadpoolQuote1 I know, but... I dunno. I just hate it. Quote2
Deadpool's Inner VoiceQuote1 Well, that makes sense... Quote2
DeadpoolQuote1 It does? Quote2
Deadpool's Inner VoiceQuote1 Oh yeah. Makes perfect sense, actually. Quote2
DeadpoolQuote1 Why? Quote2
Deadpool's Inner VoiceQuote1 Because we hate ourself. Quote2
DeadpoolQuote1 Yeah, I guess that does make sense. That's probably why I hated Whitby so much: she was trying to be just like me! Quote2
Deadpool Vol 4 44

All items (12)
