Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Louise Grant (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Jennifer!! Control yourself! We're inked and colored! Printed! There's a reader out there now! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 4
Quote1 What about your female readership? Isn't this the book that wives and girlfriends say they love to read... even if they don't normally read any other comics at all? Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 41
Quote1 Been Ages, Dieter darling... But once your old pal Innsbruck started talking, I knew we were due for a reunion. Quote2
Avengers 1959 Vol 1 4
Brent Wilcox (Earth-616) from Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 14 001
Brent Wilcox
Quote1 It's the squish principle! The whole universe is getting smaller! Quote2
Louise Grant (Earth-616) from Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 15 0001
Louise Mason
Quote1 But -- that can't be --! Quote2
Howard the Duck Vol 1 33 Textless Remastered
Howard the Duck
Quote1 Oh, no? Take a gander up ahead -- where Illinois used to be --! It's a Don't-Worry-Be-Happyverse! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 17
Louise Grant (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 Vol 1 5 001
Louise Mason
Quote1 It's a deal, then, Marsha. Quote2
No Image Female
Quote1 Felt more like a mugging...! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 19
Wanda Mason (Earth-616) from Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 23 0001
Wanda Mason
Quote1 I'm going into the biz myself -- as the Phantom Blonde! Quote2
Louise Grant (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 Vol 1 5 001
Lousie Mason
Quote1 When pigs levitate! If you think for one second I'll let you drop out of college-- Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 23
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 43 Textless Remastered
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 You ready to Rock 'N' Roll? Quote2
Louise Grant (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 Vol 1 5 001
Lousie Mason
Quote1 I've been ready for what seems like a couple of years, Jen. What Kept you? Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 43 Textless Remastered
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 Oh, the writer's ego, I guess. He insisted on a very specific beginning for this issue. Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 31

All items (7)
