Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Loki Laufeyson (Kid Loki) (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Why do people always presume I'm lying? Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 622
Quote1 Thor!! How...ah... How are you doing? I had a dream you died in a gash made of light and color. So I came to help with my stick of great stabbing. Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 2 1
Quote1 It gives us time to do what we have to. That is, find something to bring them together before they tear each other apart. Someone to hate. Something they fear... And the Tongue will give it to us... Or we'll tear it out at its bloody root. That's the sort of thing I'm meant to say, yes? Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 624
Quote1 There is no way anyone can defeat a god like that. We must be distinctly cleverer. Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 625
Quote1 Odin will raze the Earth rather than see that. And if he fails, the Serpent's reign in Asgard will surely do likewise. But, my dear friends, I have a different ending in mind for Dark Asgard. We're going to destroy it. Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 626
Quote1 We need a distraction. Destroyer? Act in a suitably eponymous fashion. Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 628
Quote1 To achieve this, my very self is mortgaged to wicked creatures time and time over. I have freed one of Asgard's greatest enemies and facilitated the death of our greatest protector. My people will still loathe me, and the grave holds the one who protected me. I do not know 'what now.' I think if I thought of it, I would weep for me. But that would be awfully self-centered wouldn't it? Let's save worrying about tomorrow for our newly purchased dawn. Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 629
Quote1 His name is Thori. And he's a good dog. Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 632
Quote1 I know how this goes! I've been studying your moving pictures! Gathered by the torrent of bits, transferred to my Pad of i. So many films for free! Your players must be generous to distribute them so! 'We would wish no trouble here.' That's right, yes? Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 633
Quote1 No. No. No. I can't, can I? Oh, by Odin's sores, I can. Damn it, Leah. We're on the wrong side. Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 640
Quote1 It's not about the kissing. I don't care about the stupid kissing. She was much more important than that. Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 641
Quote1 It's all right. No need to thank me. Quote2
Asgardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 6
Quote1 I'm Loki, yes. I can only be Loki. But as much as they're able, I want people to trust me. Quote2
Loki Laufeyson (Kid Loki) (Earth-616)
Quote1 Hel-Wolf and Garm of Hel had a moment when I was looking the other way. Thori's the result. Quote2
Thori (Earth-616)
Loki Laufeyson (Kid Loki) (Earth-616) from Marvel War of Heroes 001
Quote1 If you knew something bad was happening. What would you do? Quote2
Thor Odinson (Earth-616) from Uncanny Avengers Vol 1 1 Pichelli Variant cover
Quote1 I would prevent it. Quote2
Loki Laufeyson (Kid Loki) (Earth-616) from Marvel War of Heroes 001
Quote1 But if something bad was happening, and it had to happen, and if it didn't happen, something even worse would happen...what would you do? Quote2
Thor Odinson (Earth-616) from Uncanny Avengers Vol 1 1 Pichelli Variant cover
Quote1 ...I would make sure it happened. Quote2
Loki Laufeyson (Kid Loki) (Earth-616) from Marvel War of Heroes 001
Quote1 Even if it cost you everything? Quote2
Thor Odinson (Earth-616) from Uncanny Avengers Vol 1 1 Pichelli Variant cover
Quote1 Aye. But Loki, what are you planning? Quote2
Loki Laufeyson (Kid Loki) (Earth-616) from Marvel War of Heroes 001
Quote1 What needs to be done, brother. If you would do it, I should too -- no matter what it costs me. Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 623
LokiQuote1 Poor Ikol, what do you see in these children...? Quote2
IkolQuote1 I see evil. Quote2
LokiQuote1 As do I. And I don't find it quite as refreshing as you probably do... Quote2
Vengeance Vol 1 4
IdunnQuote1 You are our secret, sweetness. But as much as I want to, we can't explicitly protect you. Equally, to do what you will have to, you must be an outsider. A secret weapon works best when it is concealed. The queens of the realm consorting with the destroyer of it? Impossible. When our plans are revealed, our position will be tenuous. Your open allegiance would only make it more so. Of course, you are aware-- Quote2
LokiQuote1 That if I disobey or stab you or anything similar, you reveal that I freed Surtur and the Asgardian mob will play the bloody yet popular pastime of Loki-football? Quote2
FreyjaQuote1 We are the All-Mother, Loki. Do you truly think we would do that? Quote2
LokiQuote1 Er... Yes? Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 631
Norrin Radd (Earth-616) from Annihilation Silver Surfer Vol 1 4 0001
Silver Surfer
Quote1 You. Strange boy. Where did you get that? Where did you get this...thing? Quote2
Loki Laufeyson (Kid Loki) (Earth-616) from Marvel War of Heroes 001
Quote1 I...stole it? From a gimp human that annoyed me? He needs it to walk and I guess I thought it would be funny. Quote2
Norrin Radd (Earth-616) from Annihilation Silver Surfer Vol 1 4 0001
Silver Surfer
Quote1 It's not. Stand back. This thing lives in two spaces. Here -- and beyond. Who was "Thor"? Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 2 9
Loki Laufeyson (Kid Loki) (Earth-616) from Marvel War of Heroes 001
Quote1 Want to team up? We should totally team up! Quote2
Daimon Hellstrom (Earth-616) from Venom Vol 2 23 001
Quote1 Peers team up. We work together, and you're my sidekick. At best. Quote2
Loki Laufeyson (Kid Loki) (Earth-616) from Marvel War of Heroes 001
Quote1 Hmm. Doesn't that mean that I'll end up dying tragically to give you motivation to overcome the final adversary or some similar tragedy? Quote2
Daimon Hellstrom (Earth-616) from Venom Vol 2 23 001
Quote1 Yeah, probably. Quote2
Loki Laufeyson (Kid Loki) (Earth-616) from Marvel War of Heroes 001
Quote1 I like the sound of that. Quote2
Leah (Earth-616) from Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 641 001
Quote1 Me too. Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 634
ThorQuote1 Sigurd. He still lives. Quote2
TyrQuote1 The legend of legends... alive! Quote2
FrandalQuote1 The first hero. In the flesh! Quote2
VolstaggQuote1 The blade of Bor! Quote2
LokiQuote1 For reals. Quote2
IkolQuote1 "For reals". Oh woe. Quote2
Exiled Vol 1 1
Danielle Moonstar (Earth-616) from New Mutants Vol 3 12 cover
Dani Moonstar
Quote1 You've annihilated one of the greatest heroes in human history and it's "a shame?" Get rid of the damn spell! Quote2
Sigurd (Bor) (Earth-616) from Exiled Vol 1 1 001
Quote1 One: Please. I was being Thor before Thor had even thought of being Thor. I would if I could, but I can't. I'm no magician. Go to the dealer. Quote2
Danielle Moonstar (Earth-616) from New Mutants Vol 3 12 cover
Dani Moonstar
Quote1 What do you mean? Quote2
Sigurd (Bor) (Earth-616) from Exiled Vol 1 1 001
Quote1 Who do you think I bought the spell from? When he was in grown-up pants anyway... Quote2
Loki Laufeyson (Kid Loki) (Earth-616) from Marvel War of Heroes 001
Quote1 Ah. Yes. Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 637
LokiQuote1 Eh, Grandfather? There's only one way out of this now. Cancel your curse and take away their soul-hunger. Quote2
BorQuote1 Damn you, Loki! Quote2
New Mutants Vol 3 43
LokiQuote1 What have I unleashed? Quote2
IkolQuote1 What we always have. Chaos. Good work. Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 642
Surtur (Earth-616) from Thor Vol 2 85 001
Quote1 I am the father of all cataclysms, Loki. Do you understand? Do not fear the flame, Loki. In time it burns us all. Well? Quote2
Loki Laufeyson (Kid Loki) (Earth-616) from Marvel War of Heroes 001
Quote1 Great. Let's burn everything together then, yes. Sounds like a marvelous time. Even for a flame colossus, he's insane...! Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 2 20
ThorQuote1 Oh... Oh that is very good indeed... Quote2
LokiQuote1 What, brother? What? Quote2
ThorQuote1 Why Loki... We're going to trick them. Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 2 21
Loki Laufeyson (Ikol) (Earth-616) and Loki Laufeyson (Kid Loki) (Earth-616) from Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 622 001
Kid Loki
Quote1 You really are your worst enemy. And a guilty conscience... Quote2
LeahQuote1 ... is a terrible thing. Quote2
Young Avengers Vol 2 12

All items (26)
