Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Kevin Cole (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 This has to be the guy pulling Sal's strings -- who's pushing Sal to recruit me. Who ordered the hit on Black Jack -- why's this "Kibuka" got a case for Kasper Cole?! And how do I find him before he finds me -- bofore he realizes the enemy he's trying to destroy and the cop he's trying to recruit -- are the same guy? Quote2
Black Panther Vol 3 55
Quote1 I hear you Wakandans are sort of like Klingons-- big on all that "honor" crap. Well, honor your friend, Panther-- honor his sacrifice Either help me-- or get out of my way. Quote2
Black Panther Vol 3 56
Quote1 Just what is it with you people and jumping out windows? Doesn't anybody ever take the damned stairs? Quote2
Black Panther Vol 3 59
Quote1 "The Mog." Short for "Little Mogadishu." Short for "Hell." 20 square blocks of Brooklyn owned by gang warlords and drugs cartels. The most miserable place und the sun. Quote2
Crew Vol 1 2
Quote1 Is this really the last time? Am I really ready to give up answering to T'Challa? Quote2
Black Panther: World of Wakanda Vol 1 6
Quote1 There once was the greatest cop who ever lived. A proud and noble warrior, someone to be both feared and respected. Jonathan Payton Cole. "Jack" Cole. Called him "Black" Jack becasue he was so dark. Just like they called his kid "Kasper," because I was so light. Black Jack Cole was the most highly respected cop on the force. An army of one. Quote2
Jonathan Cole (Earth-616)
Quote1 "The Mog." Short for "Little Mogadishu." Short for "Hell." 20 square blocks of Brooklyn owned by gang warlords and drugs cartels. The most miserable place und the sun. Quote2
Little Mogadishu

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