Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Karolina Dean (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Fine! If you want it so bad, have it! It's nothing! See?! Oh no. Quote2
Runaways Vol 1 3
Quote1 What kind of bad guys are your parents, Topher? Androids? Demons? Android demons? Quote2
Runaways Vol 1 8
Quote1 We always go to Plan B! Next time, we should just make that Plan A! Quote2
Runaways Vol 2 5
Quote1 Man, I am so tired of fighting. Why can't we all just get along? Quote2
Runaways Vol 2 16
Quote1 I can't leave you kids alone for a second, can I? Quote2
Runaways Vol 2 17
Quote1 Man. History just lost one buff. Quote2
Runaways Vol 2 27
Quote1 We always do. Weirdest part of this for me? That people have spent more than a hundred years fighting over a city that doesn't even have In-n-Out Burger. Quote2
Runaways Vol 2 30
Quote1 Nico... she's, she's not... she's not with us anymore. Quote2
Runaways Vol 3 11
Quote1 Nico, listen to me. He wouldn't just leaves us. Not like this. Not like this. Quote2
Runaways Vol 3 14
Quote1 I am a good person. I am my own person. My parents' decisions don't define me. I forgive myself for the mistakes I made when I was too young to know any better. I'm allowed to be...happy. Quote2
Runaways Vol 5 3
Quote1 Molly, you're a runaway... Quote2
Runaways Vol 5 7
Quote1 It shouldn't be this hard to help people! Los Angeles is a mess! Quote2
Runaways Vol 5 24
Quote1 What am I doing? Nico and I finally get someplace good and I run off. Quote2
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic Vol 1 58
Quote1 "Get him"? Your team rally cry needs a little workshopping. Quote2
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic Vol 1 59
Quote1 It was the right thing to do. Even...even if I never light up again. Quote2
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic Vol 1 62
Quote1 No, it's how I hide my powers. But where I'm going, I'll never have to do that again. I can finally stop pretending to be something I'm not. Quote2
Karolina Dean (Earth-616)
Runaways Vol 2 23 Textless
Nico Minoru
Quote1 I am! But that doesn't mean I'm suddenly into... Wait. You're into girls? Quote2
Karolina Dean (Earth-616) from Runaways Vol 2 25 001
Karolina Dean
Quote1 Yes? Well, not all of them. Quote2
Runaways Vol 2 7
Runaways Vol 2 23 Textless
Quote1 Your bracelet? But that's how you control your powers! Quote2
Karolina Dean (Earth-616) from Runaways Vol 2 25 001
Quote1 No, it's how I hide my powers. But where I'm going, I'll never have to do that again. I can finally stop pretending to be something I'm not. Quote2
Runaways Vol 2 8

All items (18)
