Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Jennifer Walters (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 From now on, whatever Jennifer Walters can't handle-- the She-Hulk will do! Quote2
Savage She-Hulk Vol 1 1
Quote1 Dont call me "Jen", Hulk -- it upsets my concentration! I've got to be the savage She-Hulk now, to deal with this menace!" Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 282
Quote1 I just don't care for men with fresh mouths. Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 254
Quote1 What's the matter, Wasp? The creep's shown his true colors! The battle-lines are drawn! Quote2
Avengers Annual Vol 1 12
Quote1 I never thought I’d be glad to breathe New York air again! Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 265
Quote1 This hard science stuff is beyond me. Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 269
Quote1 Speaking of people being restrained... what say you an' me loosen it up just a tad, gorgeous? Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 278
Quote1 Let me soothe your tortured brow! Oops 'soothed' a little too hard. Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 279
Quote1 I'm six foot seven and bright green! People are gonna stare no matter how I dress! Quote2
Marvel Graphic Novel: The Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 1
Quote1 That's all I need! A guy with the I.Q. of a Mack Truck telling us "gals" to stay out of trouble! Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 293
Quote1 That does it! You've made me mad now, Rogue! Quote2
X-Men vs Avengers Vol 1 2
Quote1 Some anonymous bad guy is ready to spend three million bucks to find out how tough I am... And I know how these things work! It'll be at least my third issue before I find out who it is! Although you readers will probably find out on the next page... Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 1
Quote1 Toad Men, Byrne?? Toad Men? I thought the cover was just a gag! I was all set for the Kree or the Skrulls... or even the crummy Kryloreans! But you stick me with the Toad Men?? Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 2
Quote1 I don't care how clean minded this town is supposed to be -- nobody comes that close to incineration without getting mad enough to curse. Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 13
Quote1 Except for the change of skin tone, I seem to be back to my normal self. Well -- my customary self, anyway. Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 16
Quote1 I haven't opened up my practice yet. How can I have a client...?! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 18
Quote1 Let's get something straight: NOBODY PULLS MY HAIR!!! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 22
Quote1 The name's She-Hulk, or Jennifer. "Woman" went out with the ark around here! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 27
Quote1 Weezie -- call Johnny Storm! Tell him I want him at a party, and to bring the magazine he reads with green glasses! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 28
Quote1 Byrne would never have done anything like this to me! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 30
Quote1 Darned continued stories. Feels like I've been falling for a month! How far down can this hole go? Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 32
Quote1 Okay, Mole! Looks like Byrne's written me into an impossible corner this time! Let's get this show on the road! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 33
Quote1 He's got a case he says only I can handle... Since the accused happens to have been dead for the last eighty years'! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 34
Quote1 I've heard of Marvel Zombies... But this is ridiculous! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 35
Quote1 I'm an only child! End of discussion! Now, let's get on with the jolly holiday homecoming! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 36
Quote1 You're kidding! Look, pal, you may have been cooked up by Lee and Kirby, but you're hardly their best work! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 37
Quote1 I know Marvel will do just about anything to make a sale... but this kinda goes beyond the pale, you know? Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 40
Quote1 I just thought I'd take a moment to change while you were setting up. After all, why should Weezi be the only one looking like a junior space cadet? Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 42
Quote1 I'd tell you all about it, but that would require another flashaback... And after killing so much space at the start of this issue with my pinups, I don't think we want a rerun of last issue. Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 45
Quote1 Wait a minute! You're saying --- I've turned into Weezie... Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 46
Quote1 Hn! In the future, before I accept any case, I'm going to make very sure-- --there are no strings attached! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 47
Quote1 Let's just say... you weren't really yourself! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 49
Quote1 I'm Marvel's premier super heroine, and I deserve the best creative team available! After all, my origin was written by Stan Lee! We're talking the big time here! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 50
Quote1 So here I am stuck in the middle of chaos with certain catastrophe looming, waiting for a comic book page to arrive. I can't belive Renée does this five days a week. Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 51
Quote1 Don't panic Jen... You can... Get out of this... After all, I'm a... super-hero... And we all kn--know... Super-heroes don't... really die... Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 52
Quote1 I'm a comic book character, for crying out loud! I don't want to be dead!! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 53
Quote1  --I'm gonna kill you!! And this time, Mr. "Comeback from the dead," it'll be for keeps! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 54
Quote1 Somebody's playing games with me, and it's gotta be-- --you-- Patrick Olliffe, mister new artist!! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 55
Quote1 Looks like you terminated the terminator, Zapper... ...but how'd you do it! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 56
Quote1 Voila! Exit, plain ol' Jennifer Walters... ...enter: the Sensational She-Hulk!! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 57
Quote1 Listen! When your parents get murdered by criminals and you're caught in a bizarre accident that gives you the powers of a seven-foot, green termite with tentacles -- then you can be my sidekick! Okay?! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 58
Quote1 I need a hug. And, and, and a chocolate sundae. In that order. Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 59
Quote1 Well...I guess that's it. Take care, everybody. See you in the funny papers. Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 60
Quote1 Hmmm... Seems everyone wants me to sign on the dotted line lately! Still, the FF was practically family... Quote2
Fantastic Force Vol 1 13
Quote1 Wouldn't leave you holding the bag, Dev! Bad for my karma! Quote2
Fantastic Force Vol 1 15
Quote1 Hey, there're folks who'd pay good money for that kind of treatment... ...always thought I would've made a great chiropractor! Quote2
Fantastic Force Vol 1 17
Quote1 So, Behemoth-- which Hulk are you copying? The dumb one? The smart one? The sort of smart but sometimes tricky one? I get it. you're the wrong one. Quote2
Heroes for Hire Vol 1 12
Quote1 Oh, come on. What's everyone waiting for? We're in Barbarian times, and we're gonna have a bar brawl! LETS GET STARTED! Quote2
Avengers Vol 3 29
Quote1 I'm riding an ant. In the words of someone we both hold near and dear -- What a revoltin' development this is! Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 3 43
She-Hulk Vol 1 1
Quote1 I think I'm going to like it here at this "funhouse." Only in a crazy place like this could I ever learn... ...that some of the things She-Hulk can't handle--Jennifer Walters can. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 1 2
Quote1 Hank Pym showed me the plans for it. An entire prison, shrunk down to miniature size, inmates and all. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 1 5
Quote1 I'll be sending you a bill. My time is very valuable these days. Quote2
Fantastic Four: Foes Vol 1 2
Quote1 I'm gonna do it. I'm bringing back Hawkeye. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 1
Quote1 I may not have been able to bring Hawkeye back, but bringing back this Avenger? That's something he would've wanted. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 3
Quote1 ...what if I killed someone? I couldn't live with myself. Couldn't live with being her! Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 4
Quote1 I read you, Pug. It's serious. Don't worry... ...I'm all over it. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 6
Quote1 And I thought that was the same look you were giving me. Hero worship. But it's more than that, isn't it, Pug? Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 10
Quote1 It's like a switch went off in my head, and I suddenly realized: I'm not in love with that man. Or wolf. Or...ohmigosh. Am I that shallow? Is it because he's a wolf? Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 11
Quote1 Happy?! You wanted to make me happy?!! Do you know what you made me do?! You didn't just mess with my head, you screwed up my entire life! Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 12
Quote1 That's it! I call shenanigans! Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 13
Quote1 Who, Eros? I have to know... ...who did you make her fall in love with? Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 14
Quote1 You took She-Hulk out of the equation, Stark. And do you know what that's left you with? Jennifer Walters: one of the best lawyers on the east coast! Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 18
Quote1 Casus Belli. Latin. The incident that provides a reason for going to war. Stark and Richards shot him into space. If that isn't Casus Belli, I don't know what is. And when he gets back... Quote2
World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker Vol 1 1
Quote1 But that's just it, Mal. You never were intimidated by She-Hulk. But me? That's another story. Isn't it. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 19
Quote1 You can't miss something you never got. And you never got me, John. You never got me at all. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 20
Quote1 Yeah, you. You're the much better version of me... ...the one that "kick butts." Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 21
Quote1 Looking for my body, Creel? It's right here! Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 22
Quote1 Like a paper towel...and water... much water that he can't ignore's in him, through him... maybe "Absorbing Man" really was the more appropriate name for him after all. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 23
Quote1 And because being a hero just gets people killed. Yourself. Other heroes. Even innocent bystander. Do you understand now? Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 25
Quote1 He spoke to me. He said he could kill me anytime he wanted. And you know what? I believed him. Quote2
Hulk Vol 2 2
Quote1 The first reporter who talks to me dies in Al-len-town. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 27
Quote1 Figured you'd still be hanging around here. Some people just don't know when to quit. So... are we going to finish this thing or not? Quote2
Last Defenders Vol 1 2
Quote1 But spending so much time in jail lately, it makes me wonder-- (...) If I wasn't just trying to punish myself. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 29
Quote1 Mutants. Why did it have to be mutants? Especially these mutants. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 31
Quote1 She survived! That's her real crime, isn't it? Your son, your pride and joy, died, and Jazinda lived, and that's what you can't forgive her for! Every time you look at her, you see the son you lost! Don't pretend this is about her! It's about you! You're too gutless to live with the daughter who was resourceful enough to survive! Because you keep thinking that maybe if you'd trained your son better, he'd still be alive! You see your own failure in her! Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 33
Quote1 I'd ask you to surrender... but we're really hoping you'll put up a fight... Quote2
Hulk Vol 2 7
Quote1 Technically, hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. But me...I think it's hatred. And it frightens me that I think that. Quote2
She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision Vol 1 1
Quote1 You're getting a second chance at life, Mr. President. Use it wisely, because I swear to God, you won't get a third. Now run. RUN!!! Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 36
Quote1 Well, forget it! You hear me? I was a lawyer, I know the game, and I'm not playing it! Just because I was in the wrong doesn't mean I wasn't right! ... Okay, I admit that sounded better in my head! But the point remains valid! Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 37
Quote1 Wait...Oh. My. Gosh. The angrier you get...the weaker you get! Quote2
All-New Savage She-Hulk Vol 1 2
Quote1 I heard you were holding open tryouts for "Dark She-Hulk" today! Can I throw my hat into the ring? I'm just like original flavor She-Hulk -- except I stopped shaving my legs! Oooh! It's so "Dark!" Quote2
All-New Savage She-Hulk Vol 1 4
Quote1 Lyra, I'm still a Hulk. Hulks don't do weak. Quote2
Fall of the Hulks: The Savage She-Hulks Vol 1 2
Quote1 Puppets can make the bravest of us panic. Quote2
Heralds Vol 1 2
Quote1 But the benefit of being a Hulk is that if you're having a bad's usually pretty easy to find someone deserving a punch in the face. Quote2
She-Hulks Vol 1 3
Quote1 I never wanted this to happen, but now you have to learn the other part of being a Hulk. The part where the people you fight to protect sometimes fear and hate you. And it's the hardest part because sometimes to protect what you love, you have to walk away from it. Quote2
She-Hulks Vol 1 4
Quote1 Heroes always do the right thing. So I've learned that as long as I do something, justice will ultimately prevail. It's a test of faith...a trial of strength...I just have to hold on tight and wait for the dust to settle. Maybe Hulk is right...that these are the days when herosim fails. And everything I stand for comes crashing down. Quote2
Fear Itself: Fearsome Four Vol 1 3
Quote1 What...THE #$@%...IS THIS? Quote2
Avenging Spider-Man Vol 1 7
Quote1 I know a thing or two about rage. And that kind of fury... it's not going to pass without taking someone with it. Quote2
Fearless Defenders Vol 1 5
Quote1 He said it wasn't a good idea. He's right. Have you any idea how many lawsuits are being set against you right now by people you've brutalized over petty offenses? And you want to add more? The law is not yours to make up, Spider-Man. There is still such a thing as probable cause in this country. If I were you, I'd walk away now and pray Mr. Cage and Ms. Jones don't decide to sue you and Mayor Jameson for the webs on your back. Because I promise you, the court case will be very, very long. Very public. Very thorough. Are you really ready for that kind of spotlight? Quote2
Mighty Avengers Vol 2 5.INH
Quote1 You see that? That city wouldn't even be there if I hadn't saved it like a hundred times. You guys would be working out of Newark. Which isn't even mentioning that I am a fantastic attorney, and you are lucky to have me. The last thing I'm going to do is try to make you guys more money because I happen to know a bunch of super heroes. Those relationships are sacred to me. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 3 1
Quote1 Listen, shrinking's tricky. I'll want to call in an expert. Fortunately, I know just the guy. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 3 7
Quote1 You guys all know I'm a Hulk, right? And you know what happens when Hulks get angry, right? They lose control. And then...things get smashed. It's not the Hulk's fault. It's just how it is. And you guys...ARE MAKING ME MAAAAAD! Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 3 8
Quote1 Yeah, I'm a lawyer. Yeah, I'm proud of it. Being a lawyer is like being strong. It's a superpower. You can do what you want with it. Some people use their powers to help, and other people... Well, they're like you. Ugly. Just... poison. But you were right about one thing. I do like to hear myself talk. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 3 11
Quote1 Hey, you guys like to get realistic, right? Try this one on: Things can be worth more than just the money they make. Especially this time of year. Happy Holidays. Quote2
Gwenpool Special Vol 1 1
Quote1 Kid! Listen to your sister -- this isn't you! Quote2
Totally Awesome Hulk Vol 1 2
Quote1 Are you... are you guys really doing that "destroy the people who don't understand us because of our powers" bit? Because, I mean, historically, that doesn't end well for anyone. Quote2
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! Vol 1 5
Quote1 Fight for it. It's our future, Carol. Not his. Fight for it. Quote2
Civil War II Vol 1 1
Quote1 Okay, it's a new start. Chill out, Jen. Quote2
Hulk Vol 4 1
Quote1 That's when it changed. Or that's when I knew for sure. That it was more than just being gray. Oh I'm sorry, were you expecting something more profound? Look at me. Kind of hard to be profound when your brain is exploding. Quote2
Hulk Vol 4 5
Quote1 Good luck with your case, Matt. I hope it goes really well. Maybe it's too late to tell you this, but there's something I've been thinking about a lot recently. I can turn into a Hulk any time I want. But just because you can do something doesn't always mean you should. Quote2
Daredevil Vol 5 23
Quote1 Tests came back on the cake. Positive for a mutate street drug called CKEF28. Monster juice. Also. No sightings of Oliver? Quote2
Hulk Vol 4 8
Quote1 I'm not down for anything, Patsy. I just want to help this person. Quote2
Hulk Vol 4 9
Quote1 I don't know if Bruce ever read Frankenstein. He wasn't big on fiction. I don't know if he would have thought of himself as more Frankenstein or Monster. Of course we are the monsters. Quote2
Hulk Vol 4 10
Quote1 The Leader. You cannot trust the Leader, Robyn. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 1 159
Quote1 Robyn lives. Jennifer Walters lives. You die. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 1 161
Quote1 So, tonight, we are chaperones extraordinaire for one Bethany Bellamy, a.k.a. Burn, at her junior prom. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 1 163
Quote1 The defense calls its first witness to the stand... the unbeatable Squirrel Girl. Quote2
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 34
Quote1 You had me at "army of women," Carol. Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 10 3
Quote1 So Freyja wants me on a team of madmen headed to a suicide mission... $%&# it. I'm in if you all are. Hands up if you're on board. Whatever we are, look like we're yours, Freyja. Quote2
War of the Realms Strikeforce: The Dark Elf Realm Vol 1 1
Quote1 What luck. Punching trolls just happens to be my new favorite pasttime. Quote2
Avengers Vol 8 20
Quote1 I was never afraid to die. But then I died. Don't die again, Jen. Don't die again. Quote2
Immortal She-Hulk Vol 1 1
Quote1 I will do what I have to do to destroy the Winter Guard. To be in a position to stop the Russians' plan. To save Atlantis. And to show the Red Widows of the world... the ones who think I can be broken and made into their weapon... to show them what will happen if they try. To show them they'll break. At my damn hands. Every last one of them. They'll break and be buried. Long before the She-Hulk ever will. Quote2
Avengers Vol 8 49
Quote1 If you had two options and one of them was taller, stronger, and nearly invulnerable-- which would you choose? I like being able to walk down dark alleys by myself... I like being able to reach things that are on the highest shelf... I like the way people have to tilt their heads a little bit to talk to me. It's a good feeling... Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 4 4
Quote1 She-Hulk. Green, gorgeous, gamma-powered bombshell... I know that's what you're thinking. Quote2
Who Is... She-Hulk Infinity Comic Vol 1 1
Quote1 So what's the secret ingredient? Quote2
T.E.S.T. Kitchen Infinity Comic Vol 1 3
Quote1 No trick. Like I said, I'm just Jen today. A Jen who hopes--even if it's just for today--heck, even if it's just for this flight--that a holiday miracle can happen...and she can be your friend instead of your enemy. Quote2
Avengers Unlimited Infinity Comic Vol 1 25
Quote1 Jack made me feel like I was Jennifer Walters again, the person I was before all of this started. But also like was Jennifer Walters, She-Hulk -- the person I am now. Like I could be everything. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 4 10
Quote1 The next time the whole world wants to catch you or kill you or lock you in a cell ten miles below the ocean, I'll say "New phone, who's this?" I'll say, "Bruce who? I have one cousin, and his name is David, and he's a dentist in Santa Fe." Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 2 2
Quote1 Wait. Let me get this straight. You want to sue them...for making you "larger, stronger, and more powerful"? Quote2
Daniel Jermain (Earth-616)
Quote1 The people you fight to protect sometimes fear and hate you. And it's the hardest part because sometimes to protect what you love, you have to walk away from it. Quote2
Jennifer Walters (Earth-616)
Quote1 Mallory Book: the barracuda lawyer with supermodel looks. They call her "The face that never lost a case." Quote2
Mallory Book (Earth-616)
Quote1 Man, I will never get sick of this place. A whole building dedicated to businesses owned by super-powered entrepreneurs. Quote2
Ideahive, Inc.
Jennifer Walters (Earth-616) from Savage She-Hulk Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 I'll tackle you--head on! Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 50 Spider-Man Timeless Variant
Quote1 Fat chance! Quote2
Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 107
Fantastic Four Vol 6 1 The Thing Variant Textless
Quote1 Could yu turn around an' stop? I think I left my stomach somewhere around that last curve! How far ya goin' anyway? Quote2
Jennifer Walters (Earth-616) from Savage She-Hulk Vol 1 3 001
Savage She-Hulk
Quote1 Who knows? I stopped checking when I passed ninety! Quote2
Marvel Two-In-One Vol 1 88
Amora (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 7 001
Quote1 I am an Asgardian goddess! I could crush you in my fist like the slug you are! But physical contact with creatures such as you disgusts me! And why should an immortal mistress of sorcery sully her hands? Quote2
Immortal She-Hulk Vol 1 1 She-Hulk Timeless Variant
Quote1 And why should I let a chance like this slip by? I don't often duke it out with someone solid enough to really unload on--and slow enough to let me! Quote2
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Vol 1 2
No Image Female
Quote1 I hope you appreciate the uniqueness of this occasion. Mr. L usually dines alone... or with me. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 3 12 Textless
She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters
Quote1 Reading you loud and unsubtle, Shar'. Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 10
No Image Male
She-Hulk Fan
Quote1 Help us boycott this movie! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 43 Textless Remastered
She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters
Quote1 What?! And give up show business? Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 12
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 50 Spider-Man Timeless Variant
Quote1 EEYOWP! She-Hulk, what're you trying to do? Quote2
Immortal She-Hulk Vol 1 1 She-Hulk Timeless Variant
Quote1 I'm trying to knock your webbed head into New Jersey, wall-crawler! Quote2
Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 1 168
Immortal She-Hulk Vol 1 1 She-Hulk Timeless Variant
Quote1 You finished? Quote2
Death's Head Vol 2 1 McKone Variant Textless
Death's Head
Quote1 You have to ask? Doubt there's a decent bounty on this lot put together, huh? Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 24
Hercules Vol 4 2 Dauterman Variant Textless
Quote1 Thou wouldst not strike the Lion of Olympus, wouldst thou? Quote2
Immortal She-Hulk Vol 1 1 She-Hulk Timeless Variant
Quote1 Y'know, Herky-baby... I wouldst! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 25
She-Hulk Vol 3 12 Textless
She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)
Quote1 Did something hit us?! Hey! You, stewardess! What's happening? Quote2
No Image Female
Quote1 We're just experiencing a slight technical problem, miss. If you'd so kindly return to your seat... Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 3 12 Textless
She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)
Quote1 Tell me, is this natural manure -- or do they train you to shovel it? Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 26
Wolverine Vol 7 6 Wolverine Timeless Variant
Wolverine (Logan)
Quote1 Save the explanations 'bout what I'm doin' here for later She-Hulk... An' do somethin'... Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 3 12 Textless
She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)
Quote1 How do you know who I am? Quote2
Wolverine Vol 7 6 Wolverine Timeless Variant
Wolverine (Logan)
Quote1 You're big, green and beautiful, darlin'... Who else could you be? Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 29
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 43 Textless Remastered
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 You ready to Rock 'N' Roll? Quote2
Louise Grant (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 Vol 1 5 001
Lousie Mason
Quote1 I've been ready for what seems like a couple of years, Jen. What Kept you? Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 43 Textless Remastered
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 Oh, the writer's ego, I guess. He insisted on a very specific beginning for this issue. Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 31
Wyatt Wingfoot (Earth-616) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 269 001
Wyatt Wingfoot
Quote1 Not to worry, Jen. I'm sure my shirt will fit you. Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 43 Textless Remastered
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 Let's just hold on that for a minute, shall wee? It's about time my female readers got something to look at! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 38
Immortal She-Hulk Vol 1 1 She-Hulk Timeless Variant
Quote1 If you killed all the women in the past, there wouldn't be any women in this time. There wouldn't be anybody! Quote2
Mahkizmo (Earth-74101) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 151
Quote1 What? Why not? Quote2
Thing Vol 2 1 Textless
Quote1 Shulkie... I got th' feelin' nobody ever told this guy about th' facts o' life! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 39
No Image Male
Skrull Leader
Quote1 You... But for your hideous smooth chin and white eyes, you could pass for a Skrull. And a pretty one at that! Quote2
Immortal She-Hulk Vol 1 1 She-Hulk Timeless Variant
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 Now there's the kind of compliment that keeps you awake nights! Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 44
Scott Lang (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition Vol 1 15 0001
Quote1 Wait! Before we separate, I have something to say. Each of us has a different power! If we combined forces, we could be almost unbeatable! Quote2
James Rhodes (Earth-616) from War Machine Vol 1 1 001
War Machine
Quote1 You as a team?! Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 3 2 Marvel '92 Variant Textless
Quote1 There is much good we might do! Quote2
James Rhodes (Earth-616) from War Machine Vol 1 1 001
War Machine
Quote1 What do you say, guys? Quote2
Thunderstrike Vol 1 21
All of them
Quote1 NAAHHH! Quote2
Thunderstrike Vol 1 21
Avengers Vol 8 42 Hawkeye Timeless Variant
Quote1 Hey, Jenny-Poo. Miss me? Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 1 9 Textless
Quote1 Clint! You have no idea! Think you can hold the fort for a sec? Quote2
Avengers Vol 8 42 Hawkeye Timeless Variant
Quote1 For you, Shulkie? No problemo. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 2
Matthew Hawk (Earth-616) from She-Hulk Vol 2 4 001
Two-Gun Kid
Quote1 What?! You mean to say a li'l lady like you is also that big, green mountain of a woman?! Quote2
Jennifer Walters (Earth-616) from X-Men Gold Vol 2 22 001
Jen Walters
Quote1 Well, I wouldn't put it like that, but... Yeah. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 5
She-Hulk Vol 1 9 Textless
Jen Walters
Quote1 Starfox! I have to know something right now! Me? Have you ever used your powers on me?! Quote2
Eros (Earth-616) from Thanos Vol 2 7 001
Quote1 Jennifer? How could I ever...? Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 1 9 Textless
Jen Walters
Quote1 That night in Avengers Mansion...when we...when the two of us... Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 7
She-Hulk Vol 1 9 Textless
Quote1 My answer? To what? Quote2
John Jonah Jameson III (Earth-616) from Marvel Knights Spider-Man Vol 1 6 001
John Jameson
Quote1 To this... Jennifer Walters, will you marry me? Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 8
She-Hulk Vol 1 9 Textless
Quote1 I don't have time for this sort of-- Quote2
John Jonah Jameson III (Earth-616) from Marvel Knights Spider-Man Vol 1 6 001
John Jameson
Quote1 Jen, it's just one night. We're having dinner at Dad's. That's it. After all, the man is your father-in- Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 1 9 Textless
Quote1 Don't say it! Quote2
John Jonah Jameson III (Earth-616) from Marvel Knights Spider-Man Vol 1 6 001
John Jameson
Quote1 Father-in-law. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 1 9 Textless
Quote1 Gnnh. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 9
She-Hulk Vol 1 9 Textless
Quote1 Got a firm li'l butt there. You must work out. Quote2
Wolverine Vol 7 6 Wolverine Timeless Variant
Quote1 First rule about the "fastball special"... you don't talk about the "fastball special." Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 16
Fantastic Four Vol 1 644 Shaner Variant Textless
Invisible Woman
Quote1 How did you meet Jen? Quote2
Jazinda Kl'rt-Spawn (Earth-616) from She-Hulk Vol 2 32 001
Quote1 Interstellar lesbian dating service. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 1 9 Textless
Quote1 She's kidding. She loves to kid. She's a crack-up, that Jaz. Quote2
Infinity Wars Vol 1 6 Fantastic Four Villains Variant Textless
Quote1 So you are not-- Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 1 9 Textless
Quote1 Nope. Quote2
Infinity Wars Vol 1 6 Fantastic Four Villains Variant Textless
Quote1 Pity. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 2 34
Captain America and the Falcon Vol 1 7 Textless
Falcon (Sam Wilson)
Quote1 Jen, those were students! Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 1 9 Textless
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 Wh-- I-- I saw a monster... Quote2
X-Men Legacy Vol 1 262 Textless
Rogue (Anna Marie)
Quote1 'Course you did. Quote2
X-Men: Legacy Vol 1 266
Immortal She-Hulk Vol 1 1 She-Hulk Timeless Variant
Quote1 What about Tony Stark? Quote2
Janet Van Dyne (Earth-616) from Tales to Astonish Vol 1 44 011
Quote1 I'd rather not discuss it. Quote2
Immortal She-Hulk Vol 1 1 She-Hulk Timeless Variant
Quote1 Oh... kay... Quote2
Hulk Smash Avengers Vol 1 3
Jennifer Walters (Earth-616) from FF Vol 2 4 001
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 Wyatt Wingfoot, you've remained the yardstick against which everyone else has been measured. Know what I mean? All my good choices, all my bad choices... Nothing ever came close to you. Do you... Have you thought about me, like that, at all? We almost got married. Do I -- Did I -- I mean, to you, did we -- Quote2
Wyatt Wingfoot (Earth-616) from She-Hulks Vol 1 2 001
Wyatt Wingfoot
Quote1 Jennifer. There hasn't been anyone else to measure you against. And there never will be. Quote2
FF Vol 2 4
Darla Deering (Earth-616) from FF Vol 2 2 001
Miss Thing (Darla Deering)
Quote1 Why is everything purple and green? It looks like your closet threw up on a planet. Quote2
FF Vol 2 5 Variant Textless
She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)
Quote1 Zip it, Manic Panic. Quote2
FF Vol 2 11
Jonathan Storm (Earth-13266) from Fantastic Four Vol 4 11 001
Old John Storm
Quote1 Flame On! Quote2
FF Vol 2 4 Variant Textless
Miss Thing (Darla Deering)
Quote1 It's Clobbering Time! Quote2
FF Vol 2 5 Variant Textless
She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)
Quote1 Avengers Assemble! Oops, sorry. Gets confusing which team you're on after a while. Quote2
FF Vol 2 15
She-Hulk Vol 3 1 Stegman Variant Textless
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 Let's just come back tomorrow. This is crazy. Quote2
Patsy Walker Hellcat Vol 1 5 Textless
Hellcat (Patsy Walker)
Quote1 Why don't you just go, then?! You're like all my other friends. You never support me! Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 3 2
She-Hulk Vol 3 12 Textless
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 I just don't get you guys sometimes. If you can do this, you don't have to do what you do. You could be so much more. Quote2
Herman Schultz (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 1 159 0001
Shocker (Herman Schultz)
Quote1 You know, I look at you, you spent all that time, all that dough, to become a lawyer... I mean, hell. I at look at you and think... Wow, she could be so much more. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 3 5
She-Hulk Vol 3 12 Textless
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 The truth is, I like fighting you, too. Quote2
Mary MacPherran (Earth-616) from She-Hulk Vol 4 1 001
Titania (Mary MacPherran)
Quote1 You do? Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 3 12 Textless
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 Yeah. There aren't many people I can hit with a telephone pole without feeling guilty about it. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 4 1
She-Hulk Vol 3 12 Textless
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 Maybe you should start at the beginning. I mean -- Jack, the last time any of us saw you... you were dead. Quote2
Marvel Zombies Supreme Vol 1 4 Textless
Jack of Hearts (Jonathan Hart)
Quote1 Then maybe I should start at the end. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 4 2
She-Hulk Vol 3 12 Textless
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 I have to trust someone. It may as well be me. Quote2
Marvel Zombies Supreme Vol 1 4 Textless
Jack of Hearts (Jonathan Hart)
Quote1 If I had to trust someone... I'd choose you, too. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 4 3
She-Hulk Vol 3 12 Textless
Jen Walters
Quote1 Mallory Book is not my nemesis. Quote2
Patricia Walker (Earth-616) from Iron Man Vol 6 20 001
Patsy Walker
Quote1 Who's your nemesis, then-- Titania? Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 3 12 Textless
Jen Walters
Quote1 Titania? No! Why would you say that -- are people saying that? Quote2
Patricia Walker (Earth-616) from Iron Man Vol 6 20 001
Patsy Walker
Quote1 I don't know what people are saying. Do you think people talk to me? Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 4 6
Captain America Symbol of Truth Vol 1 1 Clarke Variant Textless
Captain America (Sam Wilson)
Quote1 How many of these things could Zola have made? Hundreds? Thousands? Quote2
Avengers Vol 8 37 Black Panther Timeless Variant
Black Panther (T'Challa)
Quote1 Does it matter? Any opportunity to kick a Red Skull in the face should be embraced with all the joy in your heart. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 4 1 Hughes Variant Textless
She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)
Quote1 T'Challa's right, Cap. Beating up fascists is guilt-free fun. Quote2
All-Out Avengers Vol 1 3
She-Hulk Vol 4 5 Textless
Jen Walters
Quote1 Okay, mister. I'm going to need you against the wall with your hands in the air. Pronto. Quote2
Scoundrel (Nicolás) (Earth-616) from She-Hulk Vol 4 12 001
Quote1 I sincerely wish I had the time for that, but I promised myself I'd get in and get out, you know? Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 4 11
Scoundrel (Nicolás) (Earth-616) from She-Hulk Vol 4 12 001
Quote1 I've answered all your questions honestly. Answer me just one: Why are you here? Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 4 5 Textless
Jen Walters
Quote1 I have a boyfriend. Quote2
Scoundrel (Nicolás) (Earth-616) from She-Hulk Vol 4 12 001
Quote1 That isn't an answer. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 4 14
Marsha Rosenberg (Earth-616) from She-Hulk Vol 4 4 001
Volcana (Marsha Rosenberg)
Quote1 Technically no one has broken any rules, and technically neither of them are members. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 3 12 Textless
She-Hulk (Jen Walters)
Quote1 Don't lawyer me, Marsha... Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 2 1
She-Hulk Vol 4 5 Textless
Quote1 I do worry about Banner. He's my family. Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 4 7 Textless
Quote1 Banner's Gone! Hulk is what's left. So you can stop worrying. You can go away. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 4 5 Textless
Quote1 I'm not going anywhere. You're my family too. Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 2 3
Captain Marvel Vol 10 22 Textless
Captain Marvel
Quote1 What is it, Patsy? Do you need help? Quote2
Patricia Walker (Earth-616) from Iron Man Vol 6 20 001
Quote1 Yeah, I need help not destroying my favorite bar! Use your fists! Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 10 22 Textless
Captain Marvel
Quote1 I don't want to touch them. They smell like sulfur. Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 2 1 She-Hulk Virgin Variant
Quote1 If I could shoot energy beams, I'd never touch anything. Quote2
Sensational She-Hulk Vol 2 5

All items (163)
