Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about James Bradley (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Oh, and just so no one can say we haven't been formally introduced -- you can call us Battle-Axis! Quote2
Invaders Vol 2 1
Quote1 I believe in neither magic nor superstition, Dr. McCoy, and if you touch my jacket again I'll spay you. Congratulations. The X-Men have found their genius. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 504
Quote1 Write down the date and time you claimed to have intelligence. I expect it'll be the entry in your diary right before the one where you're eaten by giant crabs. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 506
Quote1 I believe in science. And I believe science will solve this. And I don't believe in magic. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 508
Quote1 It chose to stand here because of what lies beneath its feet. The past and the future of mankind's evolution... Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 512
Quote1 Oh God, the little wish-fulfillment elf. Here to report that the science team's lab has been cleaned of barnacles, I hope. Quote2
X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas Vol 1 1
Quote1 In the name of progress, justice and not being haunted by the pissed-off astral echo of an aging genius -- you will finish what we started. Do. Not. Flake! ... Ha! Invisible, is it? Science-gaze sees all, Brainfail! There will be crotch-punching! Quote2
X-Men: Blind Science Vol 1 1
Quote1 Using my uncanny mutant power of selfless heroism, I've sealed myself in with three suicidal infectees, one indestructible abomination -- and the pair of space cadets whose de-monstering treatment so spectacularly failed. I believe I deserve a round of applause. Or a straightjacket. Quote2
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - Smoke & Blood Vol 1 1
Quote1 Why can't I ever end up in sexy dimensions. Quote2
Namor: The First Mutant Annual Vol 1 1
Quote1 ...We've got rain clouds rolling in stirring up an abundance of positive ions and increasing irritability among particularly sensitive people. But not to worry. When the rain starts releases negative ions into the air, causing a feeling of euphoria...a natural side effect of Storm's more dramatic arrivals. Quote2
Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 44
Quote1 My team represents the greatest collection of scientists on the planet, and I'm proud of them all. Of course, if you even think about telling them I said so, I'll inflict poleshift on your digestive system. Quote2
X-Club Vol 1 1
Quote1 I wish I went to the bathroom before getting into this damn thing... You know what astronauts can do right inside their spacesuits...? Terror bathroom terror bathroom... It's just possible something strange is happening to the laws of physics down here. Aaaaaaa On the plus side, it's no longer cold in this suit. Yay astronauts. Quote2
X-Club Vol 1 2
Quote1 Psychology‘s not my forte — it‘s difficult to study minds when you see little evidence of them. Quote2
X-Force Vol 4 7
Quote1 Personality 115, you are expected to follow the Nemesis Protocol at all times. Do you comply? Quote2
115 (Legion Personality) (Earth-616)
Quote1 Miss: I am attempting to explain a device so profoundly complex that even if you were functionally immortal... which praise the singularity you are not... the Universe would collapse long before you grasped even how to switch it on. Pay attention or I shall feed you to my lab. Quote2
James Bradley (Earth-616)
Quote1 Behold: The World's first truly evil Pretend-Mutant, and an irresistible threat for any psychic predator. Let's just hope the little bastard can run. Quote2
Kitten (Pretend-Mutant) (Earth-10710)
James Bradley (Earth-616) from Cable and X-Force Vol 1 1
Dr. Nemesis
Quote1 I've isolated the coordinates for the dimensional gateway. This proved especially tricky as they exist at the crux of a spatial and temporal intersection. You'll let me know if I'm too fast for you. Quote2
FF Vol 1 1 Character Variant Textless
Mr. Fantastic
Quote1 I did discover Unstable Molecules. Quote2
James Bradley (Earth-616) from Cable and X-Force Vol 1 1
Dr. Nemesis
Quote1 Yeah. We're very impressed. Quote2
X-Men Vol 3 17

All items (17)
