Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Gabriel (Devil-Hunter) (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Be thankful, Father Artemis, that it was not necessary for you to pluck out your eye... and strive to use it to see beyond your own narrow concerns. Quote2
Haunt of Horror Vol 2 2
Quote1 We've failed nothing but a husk of flesh Desadia... As his wife said when she summoned us... His soul was damned from the moment he first worshipped Satan. Quote2
Haunt of Horror Vol 2 4
Quote1 Dreams... Dark dreams that sucked me down there with them... Phone calls... Calls which explained my dreams... Taunted me... You must understand, Desadia... They were all from the same one -- From my wife... From you... From the one who took me -- Took my faith... And my eye... Even called me here... Horrible... Told me of my future... My death... And after... Quote2
Haunt of Horror Vol 2 5
Quote1 Hear me, Belial! We are not yet finished! I have come for you, Satan-filth!! Quote2
Monsters Unleashed Vol 1 11

All items (4)
