Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Eshu (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 I am the Forever Man, I am the Master of Time, the Master of Life, and very soon, the Master of you as well.. Quote2
Alpha Flight Vol 1 96
Quote1 Unless I act now -- The Master of the World -- will be master of nothing! Quote2
Alpha Flight Vol 1 110
Quote1 You are Omega Flight, favored sons and daughters of the Master of the World! You, and others like you still to come, are the children... that will inherit the Earth! Quote2
Alpha Flight Vol 1 111
Quote1 But if I am to save this planet... you must all die! Quote2
Alpha Flight Vol 1 112
Quote1 I have gone by many names, Kyle. But you may call me the Master of the World. And now, to show your gratitude...and save your and Alpha Strike will deliver Northstar to me. Quote2
Alpha Flight Vol 4 4
Quote1 All you people are is want. The Unity process strips away all your unnecessary desires. Leaving only those that I find useful. And I will use the bottomless avarice of mankind as a weapon to lay waste to the stars. Quote2
Alpha Flight Vol 4 8
Eshu (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 9 10 002
Master of the World (Eshu)
Quote1 The aliens who sent that ship hoped to create monsters to destroy humanity. But instead they created this planet's savior. For the Master of the World has seized the technology that made him-- and perfected it. And soon I will perfect all of the human race.. and lead us to our rightful place conquerors of the universe! Quote2
Claire Hudson (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 4 2 001
Claire Hudson
Quote1 Fahtruck? Quote2
Alpha Flight Vol 4 6

All items (7)
