Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Elsa Bloodstone (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 You might have told me we were airborne, you secretive little bat-faced man, you. Quote2
Bloodstone Vol 1 1
Quote1 That's right, Captain Overbite... never mess with a Bloodstone! Quote2
Bloodstone Vol 1 4
Quote1 When I kill you with a motorcar, you should have the common decency to stay dead, you horrid little object. Quote2
Nextwave Vol 1 3
Quote1 Victim? Victim? You think this letter on my chest stands for America? Quote2
Nextwave Vol 1 9
Quote1 You. Spilled. My. Tea. Quote2
Marvel Zombies Vol 2 1
Quote1 So you failed. Join the club. I can't save every person on the planet from every vampire attack. That doesn't stop me from staking every bloodsucker I see. Do you think Captain Bloody Marvel feels just peachy every time some disaster strikes in one place while she's saving lives in another? Heroes fall down, Kei... but they also get back up. Now -- before that scaly behemoth tracks us down... summon those monsters of yours and let's end this. Quote2
Monsters Unleashed Vol 3 7
Quote1 No offense but... you guys, Mephisto has turned Vegas into his home turf. He took out the Avengers without even leaving his penthouse! I'm not seeing what a bunch of monsters, a psychopath, a kung fu guy and a frankly useless vampire slayer are going to do abou-- Quote2
Doctor Strange: Damnation Vol 1 2
Quote1 You're maybe just the right kind of Monster King to make things better for everyone. Quote2
Deadpool Vol 8 5
Quote1 Why must doing the right bloody thing be such a bore? Uff. At least one can still enjoy a little casual headsplodo. Quote2
Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade Vol 1 3
Quote1 That's right, Captain Overbite... never mess with a Bloodstone! Quote2
Elsa Bloodstone (Earth-616)
Elsa Bloodstone (Earth-616) from Bloodstone Vol 1 3 001
Elsa Bloodstone
Quote1 Adam! Oh, mate! What did they do to you? Quote2
Frankenstein's Monster (Earth-616) from Frankenstein Vol 1 2 0001
Quote1 Nothing that a socket set, a roll of bailing twine and a can of WD40 won't fix. Quote2
Bloodstone Vol 1 3
Jack Russell (Earth-616) from Moon Knight Vol 5 20 0001
Jack Russell
Quote1 So, I was thinking, now that we're not working together, I might give ya a ring sometime. Quote2
Elsa Bloodstone (Earth-616) from Bloodstone Vol 1 2 001
Elsa Bloodstone
Quote1 You realize I've seen you pretty pink and naked? Quote2
Jack Russell (Earth-616) from Moon Knight Vol 5 20 0001
Jack Russell
Quote1 Sure. Figured that was a selling point. Quote2
Elsa Bloodstone (Earth-616) from Bloodstone Vol 1 2 001
Elsa Bloodstone
Quote1 Shut your gob and walk me out. Quote2
Legion of Monsters Vol 2 4
Elsa Bloodstone (Earth-616) from Avengers World Vol 1 15 001
Elsa Bloodstone
Quote1 I've read my father's journals. The Dreaming Maiden is a Herald...A Harbinger...A damn beacon! She's not just dreaming, you git! Quote2
James Howlett (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe X-Men 2004 Vol 1 1 0001
Wolverine (Logan)
Quote1 Listen...maybe we should all take a breath here-- Quote2
Elsa Bloodstone (Earth-616) from Avengers World Vol 1 15 001
Elsa Bloodstone
Quote1 No. Because that creature isn't just dreaming. She's calling out to something. She's summoning something much worse. Quote2
James Howlett (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe X-Men 2004 Vol 1 1 0001
Wolverine (Logan)
Quote1 There's a lot of ways to make a situation worse. Keep talking about things you don't understand and you'll find out firsthand. Quote2
Wolverine Vol 2 317
Marvel Zombies Vol 2 3 Textless
Elsa Bloodstone
Quote1 No, I... I mean you're gone. I saw you crumble... Quote2
Elsa Bloodstone (Shuttup) (Earth-15513) from Marvel Zombies Vol 2 1 0001
Quote1 D-Dupe effect. It's a different version of your dad. Quote2
Marvel Zombies Vol 2 3 Textless
Elsa Bloodstone
Quote1 Dead dad. Different dead dad. I £$%& hate Battleworld. Quote2
Marvel Zombies Vol 2 4
Moon Knight Vol 9 25 Negative Space Variant
Werewolf by Night
Quote1 She's headstrong and conceited, but people usually forgive that because of how pretty she is. I usually forgive that because of how pretty she is. Did I fall in love with her? No. But I could have. If I thought I deserved a shot at happiness. Quote2
Elsa Bloodstone (Earth-616) from Avengers World Vol 1 15 001
Elsa Bloodstone
Quote1 He smells of dog. Quote2
Werewolf by Night Vol 4 1
Quote1 We dig for victory, darling. Quote2
Elsa Bloodstone
Quote1 Well, I always say, you made your bed -- now die in it! Get it? That's fearless monster hunter humor for you. Quote2
Elsa Bloodstone
Quote1 We are displeased with your tribute of coconuts! Quote2
Elsa Bloodstone
Quote1 Yuh'd best quit molestin' that cactus, Black Bart... there's a new sheriff in town. Yee-Hah! Quote2
Elsa Bloodstone
Quote1 You... you... you were actually gonna bite me, you total nutter! Quote2
Elsa Bloodstone
Quote1 The walking dead with machine guns? If I hadn't met Dracula this morning, I'd be freaking out now! Quote2
Elsa Bloodstone

All items (16)
