Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Elijah Bradley (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 That's too bad, Kang...'cause we're just getting started. Quote2
Young Avengers Vol 1 5
Quote1 So, when Iron Lad told me he was in trouble -- that he needed a Super Soldier -- I lied and told him he'd found one. And then I did what I had to do to become one. Quote2
Young Avengers Vol 1 8
Quote1 I wanted a Young Avenger. Not a Young Master of Evil. Quote2
Young Avengers Vol 1 10
Quote1 Here's the deal -- You guys want to be 'Young Avengers -- I say you have to earn it. You guys have to choose. You can try out to join us. Or you can find yourselves another name. Quote2
Dark Reign: Young Avengers Vol 1 2
Quote1 Osborn... You didn't just steal the name 'Avengers'... You stole my name, 'Iron Patriot.' And the word 'hero.' And the costume you wear. And that flag you sprayed on it. But you're not a hero. You're not a patriot -- and you are NOT an Avenger! Quote2
Dark Reign: Young Avengers Vol 1 5
Quote1 So, when Iron Lad told me he was in trouble--that he needed a Super Soldier--I lied and told him he'd found one. And then I did what I had to do to become one. Quote2
Elijah Bradley (Earth-616)

All items (7)
