Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Dafydd ap Andras (Earth-6124).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
Appearances · Handbook Appearances · Minor Appearances · Mentions · Handbook Mentions · Invocations · Items · Quotes · Images · Gallery · Victims
Quote1 I've been waiting for you. My name in Damian Tryp. I wish to explain to you why you're on the wrong side...Why we're trying to save the future of mankind...And how your activities may well destroy everything. Have a seat. There's water in the fridge if you thirsty. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 3 11
Quote1 So...You're the reason we've had so much trouble. We thought is was Rictor's joining the group...But it was you. We should have been partners. Instead of at cross purposes. And now my earlier selves are dead. Were I not trapped between time, I would be as well. Be wary Layla Miller. We know each other now. When chaos battles order, a balance is reached. When two chaotic forces battle...Expect the unexpected. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 3 12

All items (2)
