Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Chen Lu (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Passport! Papers! Bah! Use your guns on me! They cannot stop me! Nothing can! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 93
Quote1 Why risk your standing in this organization and your potential to help your society for a vacuous evening of alcohol and lechery? Quote2
New Thunderbolts Vol 1 4
Quote1 I believe you are trying to do a great good, Jenkins......but how many pieces of your honor will you forfeit in order to do so? Quote2
New Thunderbolts Vol 1 8
Quote1 Would you like to know what we estimated my count to be? Legally and morally, you have atoned for your sin. Tell me... how could I possibly atone for mine? Quote2
New Thunderbolts Vol 1 9
Quote1 Bah! It was a low radiation blast. Worst thing happens they get sick. Maybe lose some hair. Nosebleeds... Quote2
Moon Knight Vol 5 24
Quote1 Passport! Papers! Bah! Use your guns on me! They cannot stop me! Nothing can! Quote2
Chen Lu (Earth-616)

All items (6)
