Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Ashley Barton (Earth-807128).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 I'm supposed to say I want you to go back to the group home you ran away from. Stay in school. Brush between meals. But what fun would that be. Quote2
Ashley Barton (Earth-807128)
Quote1 When I joined the Force, I thought I'd see some action. But all I do is sit in this boring prison. Quote2
Spider-Force (Earth-TRN461)
Otto Octavius (Earth-616) from Superior Spider-Man Vol 1 17 001
Quote1 I've wanted to speak to the two of you privately. I feel we share a certain... perspective... that eludes our allies. Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-8351) What If? Spider-Man Vs. Wolverine Vol 1 1
Quote1 Don't dance around it. We're killers. Quote2
Otto Octavius (Earth-616) from Superior Spider-Man Vol 1 17 001
Quote1 I wasn't dissembling. It's more than that. The others may have killed, in dire circumstances. I don't know. But it's clear to me that we three have seen things they have not. Brutality. Devastation. Darkness. The others think they have seen the worst life has to offer, because they've lost a loved one or two. But we... we have seen the face of true evil. And we understand what is required to stop it. These beings we fight belong to the same family. To end their threat ...we may have to commit genocide. And we may find our allies standing in our way. Quote2
Ashley Barton (Earth-807128) from Wolverine Vol 3 67 0002
Quote1 If we're going to survive this, we'll do whatever we have to. Whether the others like it or not. Quote2
Superior Spider-Man Vol 1 33
Scarlet Spider Vol 2 1 Bagley Variant Textless
Scarlet Spider
Quote1 Otto Octavius -- the creator of this lab -- used cloning technology in an attempt to make himself immortal. Some very dangerous people used that technology to escape a prison. Quote2
Ashley Barton (Earth-807128) from Wolverine Vol 3 67 0002
Quote1 And we're going after them. Quote2
Scarlet Spider Vol 2 1 Bagley Variant Textless
Scarlet Spider
Quote1 Just one of them. Quote2
Spider-Force Vol 1 1

All items (4)
