Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Alexander Power (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 They're not stupid you know! They're going to guess eventually. One disintegrated coffee table by you-know-who and the jig is up! Quote2
Power Pack Vol 1 5
Quote1 The Bogeyman's headquarters is secret. We don't know where he's taken Rebecca... or how to find him or-- Hey, man oh man, I've got it! Am I a genius or what--? We'll fight fire with fire! If we can't go to the Bogeyman... we'll make him come to us! Quote2
Power Pack Vol 1 40
Quote1 Congratulations, Mr. Grimm. You get to be human again. Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 580
Quote1 They don't think we're monsters, Katie. They think we're food! Quote2
Power Pack: Into the Storm Vol 1 2
Quote1 The Boogeyman's headquarters is secret. We don't know where he's taken Rebecca... or how to find him or-- Hey, man oh man, I've got it! Am I a genius or what--? We'll fight fire with fire! If we can't go to the Bogeyman... we'll make him come to us! Quote2
Alexander Power (Earth-616)
Alexander Power (Earth-616) from Power Pack Vol 2 1 0001
Quote1 Energizer! Can you blow a hole out the bulkhead? Quote2
FF Vol 1 15 - Katherine Power (Earth-616)
Quote1 The..what--? Quote2
Alexander Power (Earth-616) from Power Pack Vol 2 1 0001
Quote1 The side, Katie! The side! Quote2
FF Vol 1 15 - Katherine Power (Earth-616)
Quote1 Ha! You called me "Katie!" Quote2
Alexander Power (Earth-616) from Power Pack Vol 2 1 0001
Quote1 KATIE...! Quote2
FF Vol 1 15 - Katherine Power (Earth-616)
Quote1 Okay, okay! Quote2
Power Pack Vol 1 10
unnamed Snark thugQuote1 ... as surely as Maraud will rip your powers from your souls when we arrive on Snarkworld! Quote2
Alexander Power (Earth-616) from Power Pack Vol 2 1 0001
Quote1 Snarkworld! Oh, no! I said I'd practice with Allison tonight! She'll think I stood her up! Quote2
JulieQuote1 Allison ...!?! How can you even think about Allison at a time like this? Quote2
Power Pack Vol 1 22

All items (7)
